Eduardo Bolsonaro is against the new sharing restriction in WhatsApp


US Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL) opposed Twitter to the WhatsApp movement aimed at reducing the number of false news, spam and scams in the application.

Starting from this second (21), WhatsApp uses a new feature in Brazil that limits the number of messenger shares in the messenger. From now on, the user can only publish publications for five conversations at a time.

WhatsApp seeks to reduce the number of false news and spam that occur in demand

Commenting on the WhatsApp decision, MP Eduardo Bolsonaro wrote: "Seriously? So, let's go on wickr me, signal, telegram. "

It should be remembered that during the election campaign of 2018, the account in WhatsApp of Flávio Bolsonaro – senator elected brother of Eduardo – had been suspended between 11 and 14 October. . The Bolsonaro family has also been involved in direct mail projects and fake news in WhatsApp, according to the SP Folha report.

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