Eiffel Tower, shops and museums in Paris close Saturday after the protests | World


Several museums, the Paris Opera and many shops on the outskirts of the Champs Elysées, the most famous of the city, will close on Saturday (8) as a security measure due to the new demonstration marked by the movement of "yellow vests" "who had been protesting against the French government for three weeks.

The Eiffel Tower will also be closed, announced the carrier on its website." The demonstrations announced for Saturday 8 in Paris do not allow us to receive visitors in conditions of security, "Sète said in a statement.

The Grand Palais and the Petit Palais, on the edge of the Champs-Elysees, epicenter of the event, will be two cultural institutions that will remain closed, as will the Musée de l 'Homme, the Palais de Chaillot and the Cité de l' Architecture et du Patrimoine, all located near the Eiffel Tower.

The two sites of the Paris Opera, the Palais Garnier and the Place de la Bastille will not work either on the day of the event.

The City Council of Paris will announce Friday a list of other cultural centers and monuments that will not open, resulting from the violence recorded during the demonstration of "yellow jackets".

In addition, Prime Minister Édouard Phillipe announced that the government had put in place a special security system, with 89,000 police officers in the streets of several cities of the country, including 8,000 in Paris alone.

"We have in front of us people who will not speak, but to destroy, so we must maintain the security of the French and ensure that they do not question the institutions or our mode of life, minister in an interview with TF1.

The Paris police recommended the closing of traders in the Champs-Elysees area, which includes the avenue and its surrounding gates on Saturday. In addition, he asked them to remove building materials or other objects that can be used as weapons to protesters, according to the broadcaster "BFMTV."

The notice also suggests that traders protect their establishments against damage by setting up sidewalks in store windows or taking other measures to preserve their property.

French Prime Minister Édouard Phillipe said today that the government would put in place a "pr exceptional object "in the face of fears that the demonstration will put an end again to the violence in the city center.

Phillipe announced that additional agents had been summoned to join the contingent of 65,000 members of the security forces already scattered across the country to organize the demonstration.

In the Senate, the Prime Minister reiterated his demand that the "yellow jackets" give up the demonstration in Paris to prevent radical groups from using the act.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said that precautionary measures had been taken to prevent the looting of the city.

"Of course I'm worried, how could I not?" Asked he. [Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP] "Protesters destroyed cars during & # 39; a demonstration in Paris Saturday (Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP" "data: image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAPABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAFwABAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgUEB EABcBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgP / / / // 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAeeXgLFG2kVVaT xAAdEAACAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBQAEAgEGExQV / 9oACAEBAAEFAl98hBOwF25ouaBJQ7bGGws0sHTQF9GsHwT0sJ // xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ / 9oACAEDAQE / AT // xAAXEQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIR / 9oACAECAQE / AZRiP // EACYQAAEDAgUDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEERITISJRQYHwMTIzcaP / 2gAIAQEABj8CiDWfIWx4ug + 2 ndVCKuzk1ARobBosgOEkF3OpEfTJ7VKOxBDpFENzJvkGMOUCcDoeh4H // 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEGCP / 8QAFxEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAhMf / aAAgBAwEBPxBV7aX / xAAZEQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhMUH / 2gAIAQIBAT8Qsc5wTD // xAAd EAEBAQACAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMUHwYcHx / 9oACAEBAAE / ENNxUKUdAkJUvZhOM79VpKhmLRA1BAyhOvA9t4TMytYT1 / 65SigyMusqYo9Zx9zplnFcMzPCGicdRaKXCeRE7e34Oen85 // Z "/> <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Protesters destroyed cars during & # 39; a demonstration in Paris Saturday (1) – Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP "Protesters destroy cars during a demonstration in Paris Saturday (Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP" data-src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/ WKbc-7zWexOwGjQliTscpP3XbEU = / 0x0: 3443×2056 / 1008×0 / /

Protesters destroy cars during a demonstration in Paris, Saturday 1 – Photo: Lucas Barioulet / AFP

Saturday 1st, protesters were confronted the police in Aven go to the Champs-Elysees in Paris, leaving 130 wounded and more than 400 inmates. About 136,000 people took to the streets that day.

The "yellow vests" continued the actions of the second (3) in several points of the country with blocks of highways, roads and access to oil complexes.

Demonstrations took place despite the announcement Wednesday by the government of its renunciation of the increase in taxes on gasoline. Initially, the measure would be suspended for six months, but the French Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, had then declared that the increase would not be taken into account in the draft budget 2019.

According to the French press, the President Emmanuel Macron made the decision after realizing that the first proposal was not welcomed by the "yellow vests".


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