Electronic cigarette: understanding whether the controversial device is bad for health or not – 02/10/2019


The electronic cigarette was a promise of help for those who want to stop smoking. It is quite controversial in the world that it is perceived as a harm reduction – a way to minimize the impact of smoking on health – in some countries, especially in the UK, and treated with caution in others, as in Brazil and Spain.

Public Health England (PHE), an agency of the UK Health Service, conducted an experiment to compare the effects of the product, also known as e-cigarette, e-ciggy, e-cigar and steam pen, among others, with (19659003) The researchers used two containers filled with cotton swabs: the first was exposed for one month to tobacco smoke and the second to electronic steam.

In the video published by the organ. In Britain, the pot that has received the combustion cigarette seems totally impregnated and sticky, dark in color and loaded with tar, while that of the electronic cigarette contains only steam.

The conclusion was that this type of product was for me. and has the potential to play an important role in reducing the impact of smoking on public health.

According to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), there is still no conclusive research to prove this function, nor safety in the use of drugs.

Marketing, import and advertising are prohibited in Brazil. (19659002) In addition, a number of global studies show that the product is harmful to health, including the heart and lungs, but also to the bladder and stomach – even if used for a short period of time (two or three). month.)

On the basis of these elements, the Brazilian government published in 2009 DRC Resolution 46/2009, prohibiting the commercialization, importation and advertising of any electronic device for smoking in Brazil – it does not include the following: It's not difficult to find it in virtual stores and imported products.

Last April, a working group met in Brasilia to further discuss the theme and but participants, with the exception of manufacturers, seeking to release sales in the country, have expressed their concern.

It was found that more evidence was needed to release the trade of the product.

The first electronic smoking device was developed and patented in the United States in 1963 by Herbert Gilbert, but it was not commercialized due to the lack of available technology at that time.

Then the Chinese founder and founder of Dragonite International, Hon Lik, created a new model and sold it to the Imperial Tobacco Group in 2013.

Characterized as an Electronic Smoking Device (DEF), it This is a rechargeable lithium battery powered machine. In general, it has a nozzle that serves as a cigarette holder and, inside, a tank in which the liquid is inserted, almost always composed of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, water, nicotine and possibly aroma – compounds and concentrations

Unlike traditional cigarettes, it does not burn tobacco, an act that produces thousands of toxic substances such as carbon monoxide (risk factor for heart attack ) and tarry alkaloids (carcinogens). According to Stella Regina Martins, of the Tobacco Treatment Program of the Heart Institute (Incor) of the Clinic Hospital, Faculdade de Medicina da University of São Paulo (FMUSP), and author of "Electronic Cigarette: What We Know It is estimated that the vaporization temperature can reach 350 ° C.

"This value is high enough to cause reactions and chemical changes to the physicists of the compounds, forming other potentially toxic substances, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein and acetone, "reports the chemist.

In theory, this product contains less "ingredients" than traditional cigarettes. However, for the pulmonologist Luiz Fernando Pereira, coordinator of the Scientific Committee on Smoking of the Brazilian Society of Pneumology and Tisiology (SBPT), this does not mean a benefit.

"It is because it has other elements that the oxidizer does not have., We are still unaware of everything that composes it, even because there is no Another worrying problem is that some models contain a greater quantity of nicotine and, although it does not cause cancer, it is what drug addicts "

. Brazilian government, the experts consulted by BBC News Brazil say that further studies are needed to determine if the electronic cigarette can help reduce the damage of smoking on health and answer other important questions. Does this cause cancer? Is it a gateway to smoking?

"What we can guarantee is that this product is not devoid of harmful effects, we can not even know what the consequences will be in the long term,

The product has great appeal among young people

A problem that has worried many countries is the fact that DEFs, currently of the fourth generation, and apparently increasingly dissociated from the oxidative cigarette, have a great appeal to young people, for two reasons : the opportunity to be able to give it taste and all the technology they receive.

"There are models similar to USB sticks and rechargeable on the market" Many people who have never smoked cigarettes in their lives now smoke electronics, and many smoke both, which is even worse, "says Pereira

. the Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) the local agency for control and regulation of food and drugs, recently said that the use of these devices in young people had reached proportions epidemic.

In 2017, more than Two million American school students said at the agency that they were regular users. A report from the US Surgeon General, a member of the country's Public Health Service, revealed that the use of these devices from 2011 to 2015 had increased by 900% among high school students. "In Brazil, the situation is not yet so serious, but it can become," says Pereira.

Stella of Incor shares this view: "Our young people are more protected than Americans and, to stay that way, we are an internationally recognized country for the success of our anti-smoking policy and we can not afford to abandon it. "

Brazil is the eighth country in the world to have the most smokers

. published in the British scientific journal The Lancet shows that Brazil ranks eighth in absolute number of smokers: 7.1 million women and 11.1 million men. Despite these high numbers, the good news is that the percentage of daily smokers decreased between 1990 and 2015, from 29% to 12% for men and 19% to 8% for women.

Risk Factors and Protection of Chronic Diseases by Telephone Surveillance (Vigitel) of the Ministry of Health, the prevalence of smokers decreased by 36%, from 15.7% in 2006 to 10.1% in 2006. In 2017, they were 10.2% in 2016.

The Ministry of Health indicates that this "results from a series of actions developed by the federal government". Among them, the minimum price policy and the anti-tobacco legislation prohibit the consumption of cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, pipes and other tobacco products, whether or not derived from tobacco, in places of collective, public or private use. Although the environment is only partially surrounded by a wall, partition, ceiling or awning.

The cigarette is dangerous. Dependent nicotine is exposed to more than 3,000 substances found in unburned smoke and more than 4,000 in tobacco smoke, and its defenses are weakened, favoring several diseases, including pulmonary, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. and constitutes an aggravating factor for the control of pre-existing problems.

Pereira, SBPT, explains that the severity and risk of the onset of illness are related to three factors: the timing of addiction, the amount of cigarettes consumed and genetic resources. 19659002] "Smoking up to four cigarettes a day already increases the risk of developing a related pathology, and the smoker, man or woman, lives on average ten years less than the non-smoker."

Unified Health System (SUS) offers free treatment. The Electronic Cigarette Does not Help People Quit Smoking

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The Electronic Cigarette Does not Help People Quit Smoking

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