Eletrobras opens a consensual dismissal plan


Report of Cristina Indio do Brasil to the Agência Brasil

Eletrobras issued a statement to the shareholders and the market announcing that it would open on Monday (21) the Plan of dismissal by consensus of 2019. The objective is the dismissal of 2,187 employees, with savings estimated at R $ 574 million per year. The cost of layoffs has been estimated at about R $ 731 million.

According to the company, the plan implemented simultaneously in the holding company and in the companies Eletrobras Cepel, CGTEE, Chesf, Eletronuclear, Eletronorte, Amazonas GT, Eletrosul and Furnas, is one of the planned initiatives in the Master Plan for Operations and Management (2019-2023 NDP), entitled Challenge 23: Sustainable Excellence, which was announced to the market by a significant event on December 27, 2018. (19659005)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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