Eliana's son amuses himself at the dinosaur exhibition


Last Saturday (30), Eliana realized the dream of her six-year-old son, Arthur, and took him to meet the dinosaurs at Dinos Experience.

The exhibition takes place at the Eldorado Mall, in São Paulo. has a megashow with life-size animals, as well as many interactive and fun elements for kids.

The little one is in love with creatures and even had a party with this theme during his last birthday, so he does not have to say how much he loved the ride.

Affectionate, Eliana posed for many pictures with Arthur, who is even more interested in the world of dinosaurs, taking pictures inside eggs, alongside skeletons and observing statues.

Arthur, the son of Eliana, Arthur, son of Eliana, was amused in an exhibition on dinosaurs "data-credito =" Marcos Ribas / Brazil News "src =" http://cdn.ofuxico.com.br/img/galeria/2018/07/eliana5_383048.jpg "style =" width: 662px ; height: 442px; "/>

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