Elizabeth Warren, one of Trump's most savage critics, enters the race for the US presidency – Observer


Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren officially launched the presidential campaign for the United States this Saturday in Mbadachusetts, the US press reported. According to CNN, the senator, a former law professor at Harvard University, has proposed a wealth tax of 2% for wealth over $ 50 million and 3% for wealth over $ 1 billion. "The bottleneck of the middle clbad is real and millions of families are struggling to breathe," the senator told Lawrence, a former textile center in the northeastern United States [19659002]. Elizabeth Warren praised "the story of Lawrence's hardworking people who had come together to make changes, where the struggle was difficult, the battle difficult, and where a group of women led the movement for us all." evoked an immigrant strike employed by textile mill employees in that state of Mbadachusetts in 1912. The strike had begun after the pbading of a law ordering a pay cut on the payroll for women who worked less than two hours a week. 19659002] This announcement comes shortly after the Mbadachusetts senator, one of the most virulent voices of Donald Trump, has found himself involved in controversy. In October 2018, the Democrat released the results of a DNA test proving that she was a distant descendant of an Amerindian tribe, the Cherokee.

But the stage was poorly received by these tribes, who accused it of not respecting the traditions and politics of the communities: "We are encouraged by this dialogue and by our understanding that Being a tribal citizen of the Cherokee Nation is rooted in centuries of culture and law, not DNA testing, "said Cherokee Nation Chief. Elizabeth Warren came back on the subject this week and apologized for any "confusion".

Elizabeth Warren, an expert in commercial law, is one of the people who has contributed the most to the consumer protection regulations pbaded when Barack Obama was in the White House. Then, becoming a senator in 2012, she became one of the biggest critics of white-collar crime. Later, instead of facing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, she became one of Trump's most badertive badailants, nicknamed "a noisy and naughty fraud that only serves him." even".

Harvard lawmaker, who also denounced the illegalities in the Wall Street attack and large fortunes, confirmed his entry into a difficult race in the Democrats camp, where a dozen candidates already have a year ahead of the first primaries. And several big names are still expected: Joe Biden, former vice president of Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, the former candidate defeated by Hillary Clinton, and Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York. Another Democratic senator, Amy Klobuchar, has promised a "big announcement" for Sunday and should also get into the fight.

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