Entrepreneurs unite to build Sirio Libanês standard hospital in Anápolis


The design of another health complex in Anápolis is underway.

At the beginning of the month, one of the projects

The project, which will be launched by the consortium formed by the companies Atmo Desenvolvimento Imobiliário, ABL Prime and Queiroz Silveira Incorporadora, will add a new project to the project, which will be reproduced in the project. shopping and a residential tower should attract 190 million rand

Sérgio Daher, doctor and technical director of the project, explains that the expectations of the Lebanese Syrian partner are the best possible

"We are very optimistic This approach will contribute greatly to the In our opinion, this contribution is very important because the Syrian Lebanese is a very serious institution with long experience in the field of health, with excellent results.

Luciano Martins, responsible for the contract, recalls that the hospital complex has reached a level of excellence in the management of health facilities and now multiplies its know-how for other regions, ensure the national development of public and private health and thus creating a durability of units.

"Anápolis is a service center for 60 municipalities Goiás and this partnership will certainly benefit the whole population "


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