Ribeiro Preto, 02.
In São Paulo, the main producing state and state of São Paulo, the average price of ethanol was 1.34% lower than in the previous year. consumer, the average rate of hydration fell by 1.78% over the previous week, from R $ 2,749 to R $ 2,700 per liter, the largest percentage decrease among all badessments.
fuel increased by 2.23% in the São Paulo resorts. The biggest increase in biofuel prices last week, of 1.89%, was in Roraima.
In São Paulo, within a month, ethanol prices rose in 15 states. The highest monthly high point was Paraba, with 7.74% over the period. In the Brazilian average, the price of ethanol studied by the PNA reached a peak of 2.24% in the monthly comparison
The minimum price recorded last week for ethanol in one station was R $ 2,179 per liter in So Paulo, and the maximum was R $ 4,947 per liter in Rio Grande do Sul. Mato Grosso has the lowest average price in the state, R $ 2,676 per liter, and the highest average price in Rio Grande do Sul, R $ 4,062
Average values of ethanol are advantageous compared to gasoline in the five states among the largest producers of biofuels in. The study considers that cane fuel, because it has a lower heating value, has a limit of 70% on the petroleum derivative at the stations to be considered advantageous.
In Mato Grosso, hydrates sold on average 57.52% of gas prices, in Gois, 60.83%, in So Paulo, 63.17%, in Minas Gerais, 63.37%. %, and at Par, the parity is 67.71%. In the Brazilian average, the parity of 64.05% between the average prices of ethanol and gasoline
The most advantageous gasoline in Roraima. In this state, the price of ethanol reaches 89.63% of the average price of gasoline.
(Gustavo Porto)
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