Fábio participates in BBB19; Know the! | BBB19


At first glance, it's hard not to be touched by Fabio, one of the participants selected for the BBB19. With a weight of six feet six and a half inches on a determined body, the gaucho is daunting, but it 's only to make him smile and you think he' s the nicest person that 's around. he has never met. An only child, he lives in an academy where he practices martial arts, among which jiu-jitsu, in which he is a brown belt. He appreciates his position, but says he's already been criticized for that: "Ah, does the guy live in the gym? It's a tramp, he does not want to work or study." But for him, it means to devote himself entirely to sport.

At the weekend, Fabio stays in his room with his parents with whom he has a very strong connection. There, collect dozens of medals and trophies. He is three times world champion of Jiu-Jitsu and Hapkido (Korean martial art specializing in self-defense). The goal is now to reach the black jiu-jitsu belt. He says that he fell in love with the fight after seeing a Bruce Lee movie with his father, André Alano, at the age of four, when he decided: "I want to be the best fighter in the world, how can I? " The father gave strength, but said that it was difficult. Since then, Fábio has already made kung-fu, hapkido, jiu-jitsu and MMA.

High astral, the gaucho is not inhibited. When you're not fighting or studying for your postgraduate degree in movement science, your hobby is reading and dancing. In fact, he commands well in the second element. So much so that she has entered a dance competition of Colombian singer Shakira in Porto Alegre, even though she is not a professional dancer.

"At the time, I knew nothing at all, nothing at all, I went to study dance at the university." I danced there (in the yard), counted the minutes of the song and I did not know what else to do.The second phase brought together more than a thousand people and I was one of the fifteen chosen, "he recalls. 19659005] Fábio also works as a model and is not ashamed to remove his shirt and show off his body with 3% fat and some sculpture based on a lot of regulated workout, training and diet. these attributes, of course, it succeeds! Despite affirming that women are his weak point and admit that it is difficult – in his accounts, he had about ten girlfriends -, he guarantees that he is at a more mature moment of his life.

  Fabio and his father André - Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "title =" Fabio and his father André - Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAhABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcABAUIA EABcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGBAP // / + 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAcI8XFEpzraumDZSf5jp mpu2mDQEWByO5r05AKcsZUlHMf / xAAhEAABBAEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAADAQIEBQARIjQSExUhNf / aAAgBAQABBQIO51LfJWV0sqCJrkB2jLztS4ddZFSF5RMLqSK6ajy1Ulzh 8HuVKcbB1YEJS9SZD47Pm0HAz + // xAAiEQABAgMJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAMCBEEQEiExMlFxgrH / 2gAIAQMBAT8BnC2dVLJ9mKN0mHZX8E5n1TtOB4v / xAAlEQABAwMACwAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAIDBBEhBSIxMlJxcqGxweH / 2gAIAQIBAT8BoIJHZGATZHBstFVTIqcNdxW7fVJHrmyh2DqPpDedzPkr / 8QAKxAAAQIEAwUJAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQREhAhQQUTMWFxIiQyM0NRgYLR / 9oACAEBAAY / ArQLidIlJZKO8qdKChwcx XBG + / + NqfDCJYBVxzqdABA2iQUXubss 2Vag65xJIdcLpbbFVHjg6 2F2BVK86Q8wupT6fUw3XxDsmPLEHiUjiYdmlLO / FikJ0ESDppeMjTrh8GHOqY EACAQAAEEAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExYXEQUU GB8LH H ++ // / // // 2gAIAQEAAT8hmEUADkwpjhtBPsjPCFHhyW4wwZRx94SxRRTwhwfQGHpSFiZLco78sI9LanJQiYYslUjplsAOMTKIzSeCiRHAAxQMFUtsJSCjmkKO6hZBgrEqfqCvkZV2v7x 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABAzUjj3z EACIRAAECAwkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExUUFhcYGxwdHh8P / aAAgBAwEBPxCoSJLVs42eKiFHInOR6kKIAx1OwaleS4v / xAAeEQEAAgICAwEAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAQTFREHGB8P / aAAgBAgEBPxAwWCklDEmt363FZBAzGIKDVXIqeDWz2aM49BLX3PzuvB9 // 8QAIRABAQACAQQCAwAAAAAAAAAAAREAITEQQVFhcZGB4fD / 2gAIAQEAAT8QJHXLhnQd3KaNVtMgBCCI5RNOLsOQd5Hk 8Bfvk0qgUh4g5BjvNlZ6ROxkVTFiFAS0VboKduz0h49WYQQd4gns + + + ctLlvdBxwFbHcXDq1 70o9JPzcv6mbykdQHI9uaJYGNaxUUHdDerwdw8AH3Ug56 / 11eQ / 2PPp 9k = // "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" image content-media__ picture "itemprop =" contentUrl "alt =" and Fabio father André – Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "title =" Fabio and father André – Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "data-src =" https: / /s2.glbimg.com/Xtqd6Hx9WH9nuojvYyWFCkpDxB4=/0x04xx404x04 /smart/filters:strip_icc()/i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_e84042ef78cb4708aeebdf1c68c6cbd6/internal _photos / bs

"After taking a lot of shots in the head and [b]"

"After a lot of blows to the head and [/ b] By learning to love me more, I take this subject with more caution and precaution. "

The participant had been dating for 3 months and the possible temptations in BBB19 were already the theme of the DR couple, of course." We talked. She was very precarious at first. I said I'm no longer a guri. Previously, I could not bear to live in a house full of pretty women, but I know today that I have a very strong control over that, "he says.

Determination and dedication are words that do not do not leave the brother's head

"The longer I stay, the more I gain visibility and more people learn about my work, to understand the type of energy emanating from the fighter."

Want to win reality TV to help parents and invest money better way for you to fulfill your dream of entering the UFC.

  Fábio shows the cat & # 39; Pulinha & # 39; - Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "title =" Fábio shows chat & # 39; Pulinha & # 39; - Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFB QUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAdABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQIDBAYHCP / EABcBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQb / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAARc2t1tWh0THwTQCKY6 tpbQELQSJki + // 8QAHRAAAgICAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwUBBAACBhQVEv / aAAgBAQABBQJ5yO / IQE VnWo1HKSuEPvYwci2VV6Y2wqzYtCz2qeF2mCD + + N4OOTUPGpYwDEDph7MpFUFoda3n / 8QAGBEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABAxH / 2gAIAQMBAT8BrDmfbqaCiuQpIcM0qkp // 8QAGBEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECEiH / 2gAIAQIBAT8B09cIp0hkU4XD / 8QAKxAAAgEDAgMGBwAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQREiETMUEiMjNRUpMjNHGRksHh / 9oACAEBAAY / ArWK0PAabVqmxvgeVXUfauLqIcVJJ2yuMjVmnurhUjnjkKkLyx0rvp VNaGLXJqBRvRSWaSaLt3zrkbEaLju + / UmrdCcQSj4g6EZ / VeIPsaNa2LJj086tmCl + G7aseWK8KX3DSP1JIoKWxsd 6vYWk2YhRtyx1r5mP2f7X / 8QAIRAAAgICAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFRQRCBwfBhodH / 2gAIAQEAAT8h23zAIC0N5gdDhlTbKbXLlMRJxUFHe86nqCVlsuhs9wx3hrRs1hMhBkZB1M / zjSFx7Z4hyJLBhFBlq2WPtQRwpHMHfFieu + YHeW9lL9BwHhfsIRZQzkx8rVdC / wD / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEE + DR // EABwRAQACAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAETFRYbHh8P / aAAgBAwEBPxC4Xbj3O 0XBgfS6jVS5 / 8QAFxEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAhEf / aAAgBAgEBPxBQCyGoRRy51X xAAeEAEBAAIDAQADAAAAAAAAAAABEQAxIUFREGGh0f // / // aAAgBAQABPxDnDIQS20e6gskm8X9HaQDUBMB2giYW5I1x2iBHYtTqZecXJwwqBrvoDZy1nGLbyMxa44APVxRAwqLOhwwI9WWPxiW52OzrGxRzJQKgU8LdX8YdQapR8eHazfyyyyEHUCH9uMyNPAOCUv8AGOSlGNJFTgVcQTv5Z Z "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" image content-media__image "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Fabio shows chat & # 39; Pulinha & # 39; – Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "title =" Fábio shows the cat & # 39; Pulinha & # 39; – Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/wbBVO9xk49pHUZZv9PJeQ-XS9rc=/0x530:3024×4032/984×0/send: / tra a gata 'Pulinha & # 39; – Photo: Gabriel Alberto / Gshow

Do you want to hunt?

? Facebook: / Fábio Alano

? And do not forget: the BBB19 will debut on Tuesday, January 15th.

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