Facebook will denounce the use, treatment or sale of information and user data for advertising purposes. Mark Zuckerberg 's social network therefore takes a tough line with companies in this sector.
This is a recent Facebook initiative to combat the indiscriminate use of its information. For example, something that, until now, was commonly used to improve the type of advertisements that are presented to you. specifically from February 28, here according to TechCrunch's Survey . From this date, if you click on the button "Why does this ad appear?", The social network will tell you if your data has been used by any business purposefully to restrict its target audience.
In other words, when the advertisement you visit on Facebook has been specially neat, the social network will tell you who was the one who accessed your data.
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However, the user who until then was neither found nor found will begin to know who or which company used, processed or otherwise used the data. forwarded his personal data for the same purposes.This is undoubtedly the beginning of a potential paradigm shift in the world's largest social network.
Facebook social network takes a step in the right direction
From there, the user will know who the user is, so the use of your data may limit this use in the future, and this measure, as TechCrunch also points out, could help Facebook detect partners and companies that use this information without their knowledge.
Something that, as a result, can begin to mitigate the misuse of user information, often without knowing it. Nevertheless, it will be a gradual process, but certainly a step in the right direction.
The measure was announced by the social network itself in a recent publication. Now, we'll have to wait for your application as of February 28, 2019.
Can this help Facebook regain the well-deserved trust of users?
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