Family invades the house and undergoes a flash kidnapping in Maceió | Alagoas


The crime occurred around 8 pm in the district of Poço. According to the Integrated Military Police Operations Center (OPSIC), three adults and two children were leaving the house when they were surrendered by the criminals.

After stealing a notebook and two cell phones, the robbers returned the three adults and took them to the family vehicle. The criminals forced the victims to collect $ 1,800 from an ATM machine and took them to a shopping center in Mangabeiras.

Criminals were inside the vehicle in the mall parking lot, keeping two victims hostage. The other victim was forced to go to a store and buy mobile phones with his credit card.

The victim inside the institution activated the security guards of the premises, who went to the parking lot. When approaching the vehicle's security guards, the attackers fled by jumping around the mall. On the leak, they still stole an Onix model vehicle, black and QLE-7997 / AL.

The first MP military battalions were fired and rounded, but no suspects were found.

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