Famous singer dies at age 28 in a car accident while he was going to a show


Cadet, famous British singer, died at age 28, he was going to another show and the taxi in which he was was involved in a serious accident.

Blaine Cameron Johnson was known to everyone as the youngest, and today his name is one of the most talked about topics on Twitter.

According to the note, he died at dawn on Saturday (09) and the family thanked all fans for the sent affection messages. . For the moment, no other information has been provided, but the family has promised to keep the net users informed of the funeral and the date of the funeral.

On his Instagram, there were more than 320,000 followers and the news of his death spread soon on the Internet. Here in Brazil, he also had a lot of fans, who today pay their last respects.

A cadet died in a car accident while traveling to an exhibit in Staffordshire.

Died while traveling to a show

Rapper family members shared the news in their official account on Instagram. A cadet made a statement to Radio 1 Newsbeat and stated that the rapper was going to Keele University, where he would be performing. The audience was already in place and when the time came for the show and it did not happen, they thought it was only a delay as it always happens between singers.

But soon, the production of the event gives the sad news and the climate is devastated, no one can believe what has happened.

Staffordshire police reported that emergency service was activated and that upon arrival at the scene of the accident, the Toyota pbadenger was lifeless. Drivers of both cars involved in the accident were taken to Royal Stoke University Hospital in critical condition.

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