Fast food chains are waging a war on mega-burgers – 02/10/2019


The major fast-food chains have launched a veritable war of giant sandwiches, containing many ingredients, to win consumers ready to consume, without feeling guilty, many calories. In January, McDonald's launched a hamburger with ten slices of bacon. At rival Burger King, you'll notice a snack that requires four burgers and several layers of cheese, totaling no less than 2,300 calories. Last week, it was Bob's turn to revive a sandwich with a burger bigger than 160 grams.

The bet of big fillets in "sandwiches" with more ingredients is, according to experts in fast food, an answer. in search of the Brazilian for "lenient" snacks, after so many expenses for a healthy diet. There are also consultants who see this movement as a reaction to the progress of artisan burgers. They added more flavor to the sandwiches, stole the customers in the nets and woke the underprivileged social clbades, who did not have access to gourmet snacks, the desire to eat a bigger sandwich.

"When you think of food, you need to consider all the times of consumption, occasions when you want a healthy vegetarian meal at times when you are looking for indulgence," says Cristina Souza, director of GS & Libbra, a food service consulting service, says the consultant that the current big-fast food chain movement is filling the void in the supply of products. [19659002Shearguesthatfromdaytodaytheconsumeroscillatesbetweentwotimeswhenitmustbedone

A recent report from the National Restaurant Association, which brings together American restaurants and recalls the guiding principles applicable to the sector, shows that the tendency to greed for food continues to grow. "It's this" wow! "feeling of eating something really delicious," says Cristina.

" We have the Born a big sandwich because the Brazilian asked for it. He wants to eat a "sandwich" once a week and get ready for it, "he says David Grinberg, vice president of corporate communications at Arcos Dorados for Latin America, a subsidiary of McDonald's

He explains that the company's decision has been guided by numerous polls conducted annually by the network in Brazil to understand the desires of both Millions of customers who buy daily. that does not mean that the Brazilian does not worry about health, because eating well is all, he said, Grinberg says the menu of his network is "democratic", that is, it serves those who want to eat salad at a snack with more bacon, as the company just launched it.

Competitor Bob's decision to revive a hamburger home, with a larger amount of meat, was also motivated by the customers. "They o They have shown interest in sandwiches with a simpler touch and a greater degree of indulgence, "said marketing director Carlos Pollhuber.

The report was looking for Burger King, but the company did not comment on the launch. of its super sandwiches – the most caloric compared to the sandwiches of the competition.

The three super sandwiches launched this year spend on calories that far exceed the total calories offered by the clbadic snacks of their fast food chains. An badysis made, at the request of the state, by the nutritionist Jessica Sousa Dias, of the Regional Council of Nutritionists of the 3rd SP-MS region, reveals that the calories acquired by eating these super sandwiches are equivalent to many dishes of noodles to suck. "The three sandwiches are excessive, not just calories," notes the nutritionist. Have a healthy diet. She recommends avoiding exaggerations when choosing a snack. And for those who can not resist the temptation of super sandwiches, do not make their consumption a routine. "Whoever has a more balanced diet can consume, but no longer possibly."


In recent years, the fast food market has seen an increase in the number of artisan burgers. According to Sergio Molina, founder of Food Consulting, the main reason consumers have turned to these restaurants is the pleasure of the artisbad sandwich, rather than the health factor.

This, in the opinion of the expert, was putting pressure on the food they had to move. That's why, he says, big chains now include ingredients in sandwiches that are more traditional in special hamburgers such as bacon and soonnaise soaked, among others. "The fast food movement is on the move and the nets are surfing the wave of re-evaluation of the typical ingredients of homemade burgers," Molina said.

Deliver Differentiated and More Expensive Products at a Time When the Economy is Growing Little thing is a good decision of the networks, evaluate the consultants. That is, outside the home, food is one of the first sectors to react to the end of the crisis.

"Since childhood"

Evany Cristina Rosário, nursing student, will eat twice a month at McDonald's. Big Mac sandwich, your favorite snack. "I love eating fast foods," said the student, who left with his family for lunch in the cafeteria. "If I could, I would come here to dinner here more often," she said.

She tried a new tart sandwich recently launched by the company. But always prefer the clbadic snack, the Big Mac, because the flavor refers to his childhood. Since he's a fan of hamburgers, when he was a kid, Evany even had a doll that ate potatoes and ate the sandwich. The pleasure is so much of eating a snack that she is not even looking for the calories that she earns at each meal of this type. But he considered that he was concerned about his health and sought at other meals, a balanced consumption of products containing more calories.

Youtuber Marcela Perez, 29, is another lover of hamburgers. Influenced by her parents, she has been eating hamburgers since childhood. "Every weekend we went to eat somewhere and we did not have a lot of choice for burgers, it was very fast food."

Marcela continues to eat hamburgers every weekend and the hobby has become a job. Three years ago, she tests and indicates where to eat on social networks. Of these, about 80% are hamburgers.

Youtuber finds positive renewal of products made by fast food chains to compete with hamburgers. But businessman Marcos de Souza Meneses, 35, has reduced his consumption of hamburgers, including fast-food sandwiches, since the start of the diet.

Hand Made

Now, he and his wife will be eating hamburgers every 15 days – before it's done every week – and they're going to traditional hamburgers. The couple, who lives in the north of the capital, crosses the city in search of tasty meat. "As a fast food burger, you only have to prepare it at the end of the day, but I prefer the gourmet hamburger."

The reason for this choice is that he wants to taste the meat, which, in his opinion, is possible in the hamburger craft. Already in fast food chain sandwiches, Meneses said that she could not taste it and ended up consuming more treats, like fried potato. ), reduced consumption of hamburgers in fast food chains. "Like hamburger in fast food, but a lot less than in burgers or at home." According to the student, the fillets try to replicate the taste of handmade burgers, but the sandwiches are still not as good. "The meat is very thin, they increase the number of meat disks, the slices of bacon, but they put small dry pieces, so they call for sauces." The information comes from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo

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