Father Fábio de Melo at the death of Boechat: "He emboldens us"


<img src = "https://cdn-ofuxico.akamaized.net/img/upload/noticias/2019/02/11/pe-fabio-de-melo-sobre-morte-de-boechat-nos- Embobrece_342107_36.jpg "alt =" Fr. Fábio de Melo also used social networks to express his feelings about the death of Ricardo Boechat, which occurred on Monday (11), when the journalist returned from a conference in Campinas, Inside São Paulo, Boechat was aboard a helicopter that crashed and crashed into a truck near the Rodoanel, in Anhanguera, São Paulo.

Padre wrote:

"The death of Boechat impoverishes us. to lose a brilliant journalist, to lose a lucid and enlightened conscience who knew how to see Brazil without party, without pbadion. "

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