According to a special G1 issue, federal universities had the lowest transfer of funds in seven years in 2017. The article also indicates that of the 63 institutions, 90% operate with actual losses compared to 2013. During this period, the total transfer granted by the MEC decreased by 28.5%.
The dismantling of federal universities, with a cut of funds and the reduction of the budget, goes against the policy of the expansion of the higher education network set up by the university. former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 2008 and that includes the creation of new universities (from scratch or dismemberment of existing federal federations), the construction of new campuses and the increase of registrations. The expansion of public sector participation in higher education is one of the objectives of the National Education Plan (NEP)
. The G1 survey considers a 10-year period to avoid comparisons concentrated in election years likely to generate atypical transfers. But it focuses on transfers made from 2013 because that year the MEC completed the creation of the last four federations of all 63. This number was maintained until 2018 when four new federal federations were created.
Federal Participation in the Budget
Last year, the Department committed the equivalent of R $ 6,194,763,357 in the 63 universities to cover the costs of maintenance and of construction – the amount does not include expenses of teachers or retirements, for example. This is the lowest annual amount since 2010, when the amount invested reached R $ 5,765,213,098.
Temer places the blame on Dilma
In the note, the MEC attributed recent declines of onlays to cuts made in 2015 and 2016 under the direction of Dilma Rousseff.
"In 2015, the Ministry of Education had a cut of 7.7 billion R $ in its budget, which also affected the federal universities.In March 2016, still under the Dilma government, the MEC has benefited from another reduction of 10.7 billion reais in the year's budget, "explains the record.
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