Felipão questions Palmeiras' supporter after Derbi and gives Deyverson ultimatum | palms


For Luiz Felipe Scolari, accusations of supporters due to the defeat of Corinthians, the first of the year, were exaggerated. That's what Palmeiras coach said Monday after the 2-0 win over Bragantino, a week after the clbadic.

– I am even surprised to receive Palmeiras fans. Fans load on social networks because we lost a match. In the last 15 games, we have lost two. So … Less, less. The crowd can charge, but a little less – he said.

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The numbers are correct. In addition to being the first setback of the team season – now in a six-game universe – it was the first after a long time. The last defeat took place on October 24, 2018 (2-0 for Boca Juniors in Argentina, for the semi-final of Libertadores).

  The coach compared his team's performance to last year's presentations - Photo: Marcos Ribolli "title =" The coach compared his team's performances to the presentations of the ######################################################################### 39; last year - Photo: Marcos Ribolli "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYHBQT / xAAYAQACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBQIEBv / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABoGrE1skL2uSjlLX01YM4wdcAFhP / xAAgEAACAgEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFAAEGExQjMjQ1 / 9oACAEBAAEFAqqxQPBl0K7bs IXZxCBGpv3eqBmK1o5 + + + // hNld5bl zP1M EABwRAAEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAkEDBBAUMf / aAAgBAwEBPwEW1OStRwlHmP / EACARAAIBAQkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAwQRFBUhMTNBgfD / 2gAIAQIBAT8BvkuVi92YpE Sl3xas EACsQAAIABAMECwAAAAAAAAAAAAECAAMREhMhUQQiMXIQJDM0c5GSobHB8P + // / // aAAgBAQAGPwJOsolTbazb1dISQzKLhUEsBBM51lrqco7b3hKEyhwxWzH4xhTZR2lc2FzU45G nlGOs9kksBajPdu6R3iZ64PLCeCPuJXIPjo xAAgEAEAAgICAQUAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMRBRYUGBodHw / 9oACAEBAAE / IYBHTEPEwr7YkZcsU6t394CZSZqnrkZiSOQtenxprGJkwCVmd1bwy1rHLQqOiughXE / lOCP0 + nH / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEHn4oP / EABoRAQACAwEAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAEAMREhQYH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QXlDvi064XFmAS2PJ / 8QAHREBAAIBBQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAxIUFxgZGhwf / aAAgBAgEBPxBdCachloZauFodkp2fk9bP / 8QAHxABAQACAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITEQUWHwQZHR / 9oACAEBAAE / EHu87ANMlAZBdTH0OmIg6HZrwxWSIsBYtsNs43nn / XDJFhOjtgoXDQovy5rr5y6PGoIE2UcL6unwSCiWnQ7Jnt / ZPW M9T26 + + n // 2Q == "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" performance versus his team coach at last year's presentations – Photo: Marcos Ribolli "title =" The coach compared his team's performances to the year's presentations last – Photo: Marcos Ribolli "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com

The coach compared the performances [/] [/ line] [/ link] https://globoesporte.globo.com/futebol/times/palmeiras/noticia/felipao-questiona-cobrancas-da-torcida-do-palmeiras-apos-derbi-e-da-ultimato-em-deyverson.ghtml your team to the presentations shown in the past – Photo: Marcos Ribolli

Between the fall of the South American tournament and the fall of Corinthians, there were eight victories, five draws and a conquered Brazilian title. On Monday, after a derby week, Palmeiras responded with a 2-0 win against Bragantino, with goals from Dudu and Gustavo Scarpa (on the penalty spot). A performance praised by Felipão:

– This was the first match in which we had the identity of last year and a coherence, both defensive and in the sector of the frame, to achieve the result. I think we have improved a lot today. Let's see if in the next game this consistency continues. We need to make sure that the evolution reaches more during the last kicks.

Deyverson's trial and future

The Palmeiras coach also used the press conference to contradict the warning received by the São Paulo Sport Court shortly before the match, in which Deyverson was also judged – and punished with six suspension games by the spit on Richard, of Corinthians.

– I do not agree. I did not speak of anyone wrong. Incidentally, I rented (arbitration). But some do not understand how to rent. When they talked about Deyverson, I said that the referee was right, he had to kick out three times. If I have the opportunity to seize another case to be acquitted, I will participate. I do not deserve to be warned, not at all, "he said before a kind of ultimatum to Deyverson.

– If he learns anything, it comes back to the status I always have If you have not learned it, it will not come back, No. Not good, that's enough.If you learned, okay.Give yourself a chance, but you have to see if you have We still have seventy games a year, but that will not be the case, and then we will wait for the week and the month.

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