Flamengo takes responsibility for the victims, works on compensation, but supports the investigation for the causes | Flemish


Flamengo badumes his responsibilities, but awaits the investigation that will define the culprit of the tragedy of Friday in the nest of Urubu . Basically, this is the club's reading, which concerns the care and information for the development of the facts that resulted in the death of ten young core categories.

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The crisis committee set up in Gávea met on Monday the public prosecutor to provide clarification and continue to investigate the causes of the fire. President Rodolfo Landim will be present.

The club struggled to find the necessary documents and a working group operates at the headquarters of Gávea for everyone to be introduced at the meeting . Organs such as the fire department will also be represented.

For its part, the committee is working on a well-defined tripod: providing support for families; collaborate in the investigation of the facts; deal with the relevant allowances so that no one is left helpless.

Whatever the behavior of the criminal party, Rubro-Negro will badume its responsibilities vis-à-vis the 26 young people who slept in the CT that night. The current strategy is to seek agreements to speed up the process .

The legal director, Bernardo Accioly, is responsible for the subject of compensation and all the legal rights of loved ones. The victims had a training contract with the club, which included life insurance and a funeral service.

Other tragedies as examples

Other tragedies in football serve as an example and indicate that chords are the best solution. Dener's family, killed in a traffic accident while she was defending Basque in 94 led a long legal battle with the club until agreements were reached to obtain which was right.

More recently, the November 2016 accident in the Chapecoense delegation is another example. Most families are involved in endless conflicts against both the club and LaMia. To date, the insurer of the airline has not paid any damages.

  An airplane with the professional team of Chapecoense crashed in November 2016 - Photo: Reuters agenemy <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "aircraft with the professional team Chapecoense dropped in November 2016 – Photo: Reuters Agency "title =" An airplane with the professional team of Chapecoense crashed in November 2016 – Photo: Reuters Agency "data -src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/mT6OMnZdBoBuiZbYpKvCmYq3pZc=/0x0:728×485/984×0/smart/filters:stiltsst

An aircraft belonging to the professional team Chapecoense crashed in November 2016 – Photo: Reuters Agency

/.] Proposals for an agreement have been made and rejected in the last two years.At the labor camp, only the families of the players who made an agreement with Chape, like the Josimar steering wheel, received the forecast.

At the time of the accident, family members subscribes to life insurance provided by contract. The calculation was based on the salary paid into the portfolio.

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