Fomc maintains its interest in a unanimous decision and removes the reference to incremental increases in a declaration


  Federal Reserve

SÃO PAULO – In a unanimous decision, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) set US interest rates at 2.25% and 2.5% per annum at Wednesday's meeting . In its statement, the Federal Reserve Committee emphasized the patience with which interest rates were to be raised and indicated that future changes would be made in closer consideration of economic conditions. The monetary authorities also removed the reference to gradual increases in the document.

The decision was accompanied by a statement on the Fed's balance sheet stating that members of the committee will adjust the rate of reduction of the securities portfolio if conditions permit, which should be softer than before. expected. Note that the balance sheet will remain "important" once the reduction of the Fed's balance sheet is complete.

In a move that has diverged from monetary policy in recent years, the Fed has dismissed the idea that it would probably be necessary to further increase interests – "incremental increases" – and advocated a more cautious approach.

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