The extension of the vaccination period took into account the Pantbad flood period and the difficulty of handling the flock in the Pantbad [19659004] According to the Agency, more than one million animals have already been moved to higher areas of Corumbá. 427 km from Campo Grande. The period of vaccination against brucellosis was also extended until August 15, according to a decree signed by the director-president of the agency, Luciano Chiocheta, in the State Gazette last Wednesday.
The Municipal Union of the Municipality, which has the largest herd of the state with 2 million cattle, estimates that more than 300 thousand animals will still be removed from the Jacaradigo and Nabileque regions in July .
"The extension is a way to meet the standards of Iagro in the sanitary part, given the difficulties of reunification of livestock with the arrival of waters in the southern areas, where we are waiting a strong flood of the Paraguay River badociated with the floods of the Tucavaca River (Bolivia) ", said Luciano Leite [19659003] The government estimates that about 21 million animals will be vaccinated in Mato Grosso do Sul. The extension of the deadline is requested by the rural union of the municipality and Famasul (federation of agriculture and fisheries). equation)
* According to information from the notice
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