Game of Thrones – The preview of the eighth season shows Daenerys at Winterfell!


  Publication Coverage

By Guilherme Souza

[Leministèreanti-spoilersvousavertit:sivousnevoulezpasrecevoirdespoilersàcesujet19659008] Little is known about the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones but yesterday, on the occasion of the Golden Globe, HBO released a promotional video that showcases all series of 2019, including of course the series based on the books written by George RR Martin giving us a first glimpse of the new season of the series.

Although short, the video tells about certain scenes Daenerys and Jon Snow arriving at Winterfell . The pair is received by Sansa Stark who willingly offers Winterfell to Daenerys . In addition, the beginning of the video also shows a little more than King of the night flying in the dragon Viserion who was resurrected thanks to the powers of the ice villain.

Finally, we can see a brief scene of the dragon Rhaegal flying over a cavalry Dothraki but considering that the scene seems to be under the sun, it is impossible to know if it's going to be in the air. is a clash against the White Walkers or Westeros soldiers [19659011] The last season of Game of Thrones promises to put an end to the confrontation between the humans of Westeros and the creatures known as White Walkers, as well as to define the true owner of the iron throne and the monarch of the region. Game of Thrones :

Source: HH

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