Games market has been growing everywhere in Brazil, reveals research


A survey conducted by the company Homo Ludens reveals that the gaming market has experienced growth in the five regions of the country between the years 2013 to 2018. According to data from the 2nd census of the Brazilian digital games industry , the number of game developer studios rose from 142 to 375 in the period.

Between May 3 and June 13 this year, the 375 developers were heard, in addition to 85 support companies and 235 freelancers. The study revealed that in the past two years, 1718 games have been produced in Brazil, of which 43% for mobile devices, 24% for computers, 10% for virtual and augmented reality platforms and 5% for consoles. According to Sérgio Sá Leitão, Minister of Culture, the aim of the research is to subsidize public policies focused on the gaming sector. "This survey is fundamental for us to better understand the Brazilian gaming market, which will allow us to develop support and support policies tailored to the needs of this sector that has tremendous growth potential," says

19659005] The study also revealed details on the growth of the gaming market by region, gender and racial categories. From 2013 to 2018, the number of gaming studios increased in all regions, with the North increasing from two to 10, the Southeast from 77 to 196, the Northeast from 20 to 61, the Midwest from 8 to 31 and the South from 35 to 77.

With regard to gender, the working environment in the gambling industry is still predominantly male, despite a growth in the number of women who has tripled over last five years, representing 20.7% of professionals. Trans people, however, are represented by only 12 employees. On the racial issue, only 273 are black, 24 are indigenous and only 8 have black women as partners.

The census still shows that 34.6% of the studios were created from the identification of business opportunities, 32% 32.5% came from the development of a gambling project

Strategies and Results

According to the census, about 47% of the number of people working in the same company or informally. have material in English and 43% develop games in another language. In terms of employee knowledge, 63.3% are bilingual.

On government initiatives to strengthen the market, only 45.5% of companies know and use the benefits, while about 30% know the actions but do not use them. About 18.2% of the studios badume that they have no in-depth knowledge on the subject, but 52% say that they intend to participate in the programs.

According to the survey, 71.2% of Brazilian companies charge up to R $ 81,000, but only 0.3% have incomes greater than R100 million per year. In the export category, 46% of national studios are not related to other countries, while 29.6% say they have customers abroad. 34.6% of product profits came from games sales and 17.5% from games sales.

The information was leaked to the BIG Festival event, which is happening this week in São Paulo and has a cover of the Cbadtech

Source: Ministry of Culture

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