
At one point in the video, one of the questions posed to the CEO was:
"This is the second year in a row that Ubisoft has highlighted a collaboration with Nintendo in the introduction of Star Fox to Starlink." Why Ubisoft's relationship with Nintendo is they so strong and what kind of collaborations will it continue? "
Guillemot gave the following answer:
" [A parceria] is very strong because we have done a lot together in the past. Nintendo products and their ability to create fantastic games are things that our Ubisoft creators really love, and when they can collaborate with Nintendo, they are extremely happy to do so. So, yes, [a parceria] will continue, and I hope we can surprise you with c new things in the future. "
Ubisoft has developed two major titles in collaboration with Nintendo for the Switch.Last year, we had the Mario + Rabbids crossover: Kingdom Battle, while Starlink: Battle for Atlas is expected to arrive in October 2018, bringing the Fox Fox character Fox McCloud exclusively on the Nintendo hybrid platform.
NintendoBlast's Vieira
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