Weakened by the conservative uprising of the CSU party in the Bavarian region, Merkel proposes that migrants arriving in Germany and registered in another country of the European Union (EU) be welcomed in reception centers. special and in more rigid conditions. The suggestion comes from an eight-page text sent to the members of the CSU and the Social Democratic Party (SPD), both partners of Merkel's legend, the CDU.
proposal seems to be a gesture towards the Bavarian Conservatives, but it is a gesture towards the Bavarian Conservatives (Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa via AP)
and should particularly please the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer, who issued an ultimatum to Merkel to find a solution to migratory flows. The minister threatens to order the blockade of migrants already registered in another European country.
All these measures will be examined Sunday 1st by the CDU and CSU, two allied formations since 1949, but about to separate because of the debate on migrants.
14 EU Countries Engaged in Germany
Merkel would benefit from the support of at least 14 EU Member States, including France. They say they are ready to sign agreements with Berlin to take responsibility for refugees arriving in Germany who are already registered in another block nation.
Separate commitments would have been found with Greece and Spain which, together with Italy, are the countries that suffer the most from the mbadive influx of migrants into the EU.
In the document sent to CSU conservatives this Saturday, consulted by news agencies, are among the countries willing to support Germany: France, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Country Sweden and Portugal, as well as three Eastern European countries that have been extremely critical of the German Chancellor 's welcome policy: Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. .
However, in Budapest, a spokesman for the Hungarian government denied that Viktor Orban had negotiated with Germany.
The Dublin Regulation, which deals with refugee problems in the European Union, states that migrants wishing to apply for asylum in the bloc must do so in the country where they arrived. But the rule was disobeyed in Germany, when Merkel decided to open the country's doors.
At dawn on Friday (29), Merkel and other EU leaders have adopted an agreement on the distribution of refugee reception that makes the "day". subjected to severe criticism by human rights NGOs. Among the controversial measures, the pact proposes the creation of "landing platforms" outside the EU to dissuade immigrants from crossing the Mediterranean.
Image of the "union and efficiency" of the EU
French President Emmanuel Macron defended on Saturday 30 "the image of union and d & # 39; 39 "effectiveness" that Europe has shown after the agreement reached on immigrants.
In receiving the Czech prime ministers, Andrej Babis, and the Slovak Peter Pellegrini, at the Elysee Palace, the head of the French state said that "in these confused times, we must find an image of Unity, respect for our common values and stories. "