The open beta version for iOS 12 is now available and, unlike the developer beta released on June 4th, anyone can download it. Although it is not always recommended to install a beta operating system on your primary devices, the public beta usually guarantees a minimum level of stability and functionality that is not always guaranteed with the first versions of the developer.
Apple said that they double their performance with iOS 12 and mentioned some statistics comparing iOS 11 to iOS 12 using the iPhone 6 Plus. Tests done with the update show that devices launch apps faster than iOS 11 and seem to work more easily.
We are listing some changes that can draw users' attention to the improvements that brings iOS 12: [19659004] Animoji and more Memojis (Exclusive to the iPhone X)
Animoji wins the detection of the language and new faces, but the star of the show is "Memoji". A function similar to that of the Samsung Galaxy S9.You can create your own Animoji
Best notifications
One of the novelties is the group notifications. Many notifications are grouped by type, which can clean them all at the same time and even change the type of notification received directly from the lock screen.
Do Not Disturb
The Do Not Disturb feature allows you to keep the resource alive for certain periods of time, when you leave your current position, or when an event ends. At night, notifications will not be displayed, so if you wake up and check the time, you will not be distracted by uncomfortable messages.
Screen Time (New)
Time is a new feature that allows users to manage the time they spend on their iOS device. The information is extremely detailed, showing exactly how much time is spent on each category of application or even specific applications. The goal is to provide users with data to make informed decisions about how they spend their time. You can set time limits or even block applications, and there are parental controls that restrict access to certain applications.
Group Calls on FaceTime
FaceTime now allows 32 people to discuss tools at the same time to keep the conversation sensitive. Among the new skills you are learning this year, Siri on iOS 12 is able to discover the new features of Siri
. one of your devices nearby and plays a sound on it. To experience this feature, ask Siri to "find my iPhone" and the wizard will tell you whether or not he could find it nearby
Unfortunately, Siri Shortcuts, which allows users to create powerful multi-function voice activated and multi-action, is not included in the first version, but promises other updates in future versions.
You can perform the public beta installation of iOS 12 and learn more details here
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