A video that circulates in social networks since the afternoon of this Friday leaves many people shivering. That's because in the images, recorded by alleged security of the Shopping Diffuser, in Cauaru, in the rugged Pernambuco, appears a girl, considered an obsession, going up one of the escalators of the shopping mall at night, while l & rsquo; Place is already closed. "It's already the second time this week.I had to film to show.Nobody believes me," the man who records announces the outbreak of "ghost".
He climbs up the stairs. From there, he shows the scale without anyone, until he turns the camera to the side and the girl appears, walking beside him.
Many Facebook pages have shared the video so far, which makes it viralize. In one of the first profiles that published the material, the Caruaru no Face, there are already nearly 100,000 views in the pictures, until about 6 pm Saturday
The buzz around the video is the size, which makes the mall manifest itself publicly in their social networks.
In a statement published in their profiles, the mall warns that the local security team is badyzing the material. "In addition to all the images captured by the internal security camera system, until all the material is badyzed, the commercial broadcaster will not give any other statement," he warns
In social networks, there are those who say that it is a marketing strategy or a joke of the vigilante.
Source: The day
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