According to the National Association of Revenue Tax Auditors (Unafisco), Minister Gilmar Mendes of the Federal Supreme Court has no right to be outraged by the disclosure of his tax secrecy. After all, Brazil is a signatory to the international conventions against corruption and "in many cases" lava jets ", it has been shown that illegal tributes were a history of money laundering." For Unafisco, the leak did not even occur, since, in a note, the episode is treated as a "supposed leak".
Ignore that one of the major unanswered questions of the "lava" lava "is how billions of reais were sent out of the country, washed and reintroduced without the knowledge of the taxman without even knowing it. The information revealed by the website of the magazine See this Friday (8/2) indicate that a tax auditor investigates corruption and traffic indexes of influence in financial transactions from the minister and his wife, lawyer Guiomar Feitosa.
"The Brazilian company," says Unafisco, an entity that represents the company of tax inspectors, "hopes that the calculations of a possible breach of confidentiality will not detract from the continuity of investigations." Minister Gilmar's tax ". For the minister, however, the taxman acts as a "genuine Gestapo", the political police of Nazi Germany.
Unafisco states that it is important to ensure that investigations of politically exposed persons, official name of a group of occupants of the public service. "" Vulnerable "to corruption and money laundering.The STF ministers are in this group.The listeners do not.In any event, Unafisco denounces for years the existence of an electronic system that warns top of taxes on access to information of politically exposed persons.
Read Unafisco note:
violation of tax secrecy in the case of Minister Gilmar Mendes can not be invoked to prevent the continuation of the work of the federal treasury
The National Unafisco emphasizes that Brazil is a signatory of the United Nations Convention on the fight against corruption as well as other international commitments and organizations that: define that the person Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), a group comprising Supreme Court Ministers, should be subject to greater scrutiny by the tax authorities, as they are exposed to an increased risk of involvement in corruption cases. Therefore, there is nothing illegal or abnormal in the existence of an investigation into the financial life of Minister Gilmar Mendes. The possible penal repercussions will be solved by the competent authorities for the two laws. It is common knowledge that in many cases of the operation Lava Jato, for example, it has been shown that tax evasion was a history of money laundering and other crimes. .
What must be emphasized, it is that there is no justification, moral or moral. Therefore, for any degree of indignation of said Minister of the Supreme Court or any other public authority about the existence of an investigation into his tax life.
The secret of the investigation, on the other hand, is the legal obligation of the Treasury Tax Auditor. The violation of federal and possible secrecy must be badessed and sanctioned rigorously, thus ensuring a sufficient and contradictory defense for the defendants.
It is obvious that the Brazilian society expects that the calculations relating to the non-respect of the secrecy do not cause any loss of continuity. Investigations into the fiscal life of Minister Gilmar Mendes and related persons, or any other investigation into persons who are (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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