Global warming: the Russian archipelago goes into emergency state after the invasion of hungry polar bears Because of global warming, polar bears are forced to spend more time on the ground looking for food.


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A remote region of Russia has entered a state of emergency because of the Invasion of dozens of polar bears

The alarm was triggered by the authorities of the archipelago of Nova Zembla, where live a few hundred people.

Clbadified as threatened species , these animals are affected by climate change and are increasingly forced to look for food elsewhere.

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With the reduction of polar ice caps in the Arctic Ocean by global warming, this bear species is forced to change its hunting habits and spend more time on the ground looking for food, which raises the risk of conflict with humans

In 2016, five Russian scientists were besieged for weeks at a remote weather station in Troynoy, west of Nova Zembla, because of a group of Bear

Bear hunting is banned in Russia and the Federal Environment Agency refused to allow him to shoot.

In Nova Zembla, bears lost fear of police officers and signals used to hunt or contain them, hence the need for more radical measures, according to local authorities

Anthony Pagano / USGS

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The Russian environmental agency vetoed the killing of bear threatening man

Belushya Guba, the main agglomeration of the archipelago, recorded 52 polar bears nearby, with a plot of 6 to 10.

They claim that if the other measures fail, the l? slaughter may be the only solution.

The head of the local administration, Vigansha Musin, said that there were at least five bears in the local military zone, where are air defense facilities

"I am at Nova Zembla since 1983. There has never been a bear invasion of this type, "Musin said in a statement.

The right-hand man of the local administrator, Alexander Minayev, declared that the daily life of the inhabitants was affected by the threat of bears.

"People are terrified,"

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