Goiás achieves the goals of federal tax adjustment, says STN


Goiás achieved the objectives of the Program of Support to the Restructuring and Fiscal Adjustment of States (PAF) for the fiscal year 2017. The office of the National Treasury Secretariat (STN) with the news was received by the governor Jose Eliton this weekend. The document, signed by the Secretary of the National Treasury, Mansueto Almeida, strengthens the fiscal and financial balance of the state

The STN verified that Goiás strictly adheres to the adjustment program with the Union Among the main objectives attested are the main result and the level of debt, that is to say that Goiás can pay off its debt to the Union, which which, in addition to the proof of the fiscal balance of the state, authorizes the renegotiation with the possibility of asking for new financing. to the Treasury

Goiás has not yet used the total limit available for the triennium 2017/2019, which is 677 million reais. The STN's badessment of the PAF's objectives is carried out each year in the Brazilian states at the end of the first semester and badyzes the implementation of measures allowing a sustainable budget balance. Targets included debt, primary income, staff costs, own fundraising, public management and liquidity.

Goiás finance secretary Manoel Xavier Ferreira Filho reveals that this result only reinforces the overall physical condition of Goiás at STN, to obtain R $ 510 million from Caixa Econômica Federal. The agreement should be finalized this week. "These resources will be used exclusively for road infrastructure works, ie bridges, the construction and recovery of the road network, and will serve the population of several municipalities," he said. he

. Goiás has been able to reduce the level of debt to historical levels, which is well below what the LRF allows. In addition, it has never stopped paying the current payroll, in accordance with the state Constitution, and is still among the few states in the country to make investments that guarantee favorable conditions for social development. -economic.

"We have rigorously fulfilled and will continue to advocate to the Union for all the counterparts needed to keep Goiás growing above the national average, as this condition of balance favors us," concludes Manoel. Xavier.

Sectoral Communication of the Secretary of State Fazenda (Sefaz) Press Office of the Governor of Goiás

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