It is really not today that Google seems to want to extend its already considerable share to the niche of games. This has become increasingly clear since the attempt to acquire Twitch in 2014 until an undisputed success with GO Pokémon of Niantic (then a subsidiary of Mountain View) and, above all, the prolonged wave of recruitment involving industry professionals.
As five Google-related sources have secured the Kotaku website, there are at least three guidelines that suggest Google's continued breathing, as rumors have done: first, a sort of second streaming platform , a form of proprietary material; and, finally, new periods of aggressive recruitment, in order to guarantee a sufficient number of softhouses and, consequently, a minimum of quality titles capable of giving strength to a novice platform
Yeti and the future via streaming [19659006MaislesrumeursvontplusloinBienqueGooglesoitdéjàconnupoursesinnombrablesprojetsquineseconcrétisentjamaislefaitestquelapropositiondejeuxenstreamingparl'entrepriseestrapportéeetcommentéesurinternetavecunecertainerégularitéLadernièreéditiondelafoireGDC(GameDevelopersConference)parexempleavuplusieursreprésentantsd'entreprisesapprocheruncertainnombrededéveloppeursdejeuxlourdsafind'attirerl'attentionsuruneplateformeàvenirnommée"Yeti"
According to sources from Kotaku, a fairly similar approach s & # 39; is also produced during the last E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo). With one difference, however: this time, Google has even submitted offers to different studios – something that has not been officially commented on so far.
Limits of connection
Rumors aside, though it's really in the pipeline, Yeti will face the same setbacks as Nvidia's GeForce Now or the pioneering OnLive. Although the idea of being able to play a heavy title like Call of Duty or The Witcher in any notebook is particularly appealing, it must be remembered that the treatment is performed somewhere (on a mainframe of the provider) must be transmitted to the residence of the player in real time. And that demands Internet bandwidth – a lot even for carrying huge amounts of data without delay.
But where OnLive stumbled, maybe Google has some advantage. As pointed out an article by Kotaku, one of the various cooperations of the company gave birth to Google Fiber, a broadband infrastructure capable of providing connections up to 100 times faster than the current American property. Although the service is still limited to a handful of US cities, it is certainly a good example of Google's ability to bypbad infrastructure barriers, which is totally out of the range of other game streamers.
Common Functionality with YouTube
Another technological whisper to fall in the ears of the referred site concerned a joint use between Yeti and YouTube. Basically, the feature would allow quick access to exploded videos during matches. In other words, it would be possible to know how to kill a boss or cross a puzzle without having to leave the game – which, of course, reinforces the idea that an Internet connection would be essential .
Google holds exactly on your agenda, it just seems to be betting on a continued vigor to extract something from the gold mine that is the electronic games today. In addition to this, it will be necessary to give a little service to the various hardened professionals who appear today on the payroll industry – including heavyweights like Phil Harrison, a veteran who was previously responsible for the PlayStation and Xbox. It is too much investment to be abandoned.
Source: Kotaku
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