Google would work on the competition for weight for Xbox and PlayStation


Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are well established at the top of the gaming industry, offering the best platforms on which every developer and gaming studio wants to put their games. Only, according to five anonymous and independent sources who spoke to Kotaku it seems that Google has interest to become the fourth great player of this championship.

Rumors that the search giant would be working on a gaming platform to compete with the big ones have been circulating on the web for months, but according to the publication, things have intensified a lot, and Google itself even would have given some indications that he could enter the industry at any time. The main idea would be to build an online catalog of games that could be streamed

Sources say the company would talk to the biggest gaming studios to bring their titles to the new platform that the company would be developing. The main idea would be to build an online catalog of games that could be streamed on any type of device connected to the web. However, Google also plans to launch its own console to materialize this new service. The code name of the project would be Yeti.

Apart from this information, there is concrete evidence that Google really wants to fight for the gaming industry summit. The company has hired executives of its main future competitors, Microsoft and Sony, in more to bring people from big studios like EA. In January of this year, Phil Harrison, who worked for both Xbox and PlayStation, joined Google for a project still mysterious.

According to sources Kotaku Google would even be willing

The lag in streaming games

But if Google really wants to bring headlines to the game, its gaming platform, the fact that it is supposed to be focused on streaming can be a problem. It is a fact that Internet connectivity in the world is far from ideal, especially in continental-sized countries like Brazil, China or even the United States

Google, however, could well become the only company interested in the field of games with the possibility of solving the problem of the internet band. The company has invested in the expansion of Fiber, its own fixed Internet operator that offers connections to the US 100 times faster than average.

If anyone has the opportunity to eliminate lag in streaming games, it is probably Google

At that time, Google is collaborating with Algar Telecom and other companies to install a new submarine cable linking Brazil to the United States in order to give a significant improvement to the speed with which Brazilians access their services. There is also Project Loon – which is not really games-oriented – and many other initiatives around the world. So, if you have someone who can eliminate lag in streaming games, it's probably Google.

On the other hand, the company has very poor results in investing in new products. The company often launches innovations in the market and, from one moment to the next, stops investing in them and lets them die. Google Glbad, Nexus Q and Music Play are just a few examples. It seems that for Google, a new product must have immediate success, such as Android or Chromecast. Otherwise, the company loses interest.

But tell us what you think of this whole story. Does Google even have the power to hit Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo in the gaming world? Will the company be able to offer a gaming streaming experience good enough to win the audience of the players. Leave your comment in the comments section.

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