Grammy 2019 | "This Is America" ​​wins the best song of the year


Sunday (10), Childish Gambino won the Music Award of the Year for "This Is America". The prize, awarded to the composers of the group, is shared between Gambino his producer, Ludwig Göransson and Young Thug who lends his songs during the music. and is responsible for the home stretch.

"This Is America" ​​is the first hip-hop song to win the music award of the year. The game was not present at the ceremony.

"This Is America" ​​won the contest "Shallow", "The Middle", "The Joke", "In My Blood", "God Plan", "Boo" and "All Up" The Stars "- know the ones shown.

Greta Van Fleet is part of the Lollapalooza team which takes place on on April 5, 6 and 7 at the Autodromo de Interlagos de São Paulo – check the list by day [19659009] window. addEventListener (& # 39; load & # 39; function () {
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