The management of Grêmio confirmed Thursday evening the signing of attacker Marinho, 28, a native of Changchun Yatai in China. It has been approved in medical examinations and signed contract until December 31, 2021.
The player will be introduced this Friday after the training at TC Luiz Carvalho which will take place at 15:30 (from Brasília).
Outside the Fluminense categories, Marinho received his first opportunity among the professionals of the Rio de Janeiro club by coach Renato Portaluppi. In the sequence went through the International, Caxias, Nautico, Ceará, Goiás, Cruzeiro and Vitória which was his big career pic. For the club of Bahia helped to get rid of the relegation in 2016.
Name: Mário Sérgio Santos Costa
Birthday: 29 / 05/1990
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