Brazilians travel with a vacuum mattress to help Marcelo recover (Photo: Divulgação)
The Brazilian star Zissou, who specializes in sleep, took advantage of the side injury in the match against Serbia to advertise her bed mattress, made with American technology, […]
empty. The problem would be to send it as soon as possible, which was only possible thanks to the development of an unprecedented compact box manufactured by the Brazilian company Klabin, made of corrugated cardboard, which rendered possible even the startup business logistics. Zissou was vacuum packed and pressed in Brazil with a 60-ton sheet; and subjected to a winding machine to fit into the corrugated cardboard. The packaging material is so durable – and durable – that it preserves the product in compact form until it is opened, when it returns to its normal size within two hours. after opening.
The group "Segue o Hexa", formed by nine Brazilians who follow Brazil to Russia with a motorhome, promises to deliver the solution to Marcelo next to the engineer himself from start-up mattresses. ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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