Guaidó warns the military that the blockade of aid is a crime against humanity


The opposition Juan Guaidó, recognized by Venezuela as interim president of Venezuela, warned Sunday (10) that the army preventing the entry of humanitarian aid makes them "almost genocidal "because it is a" crime against humanity. "

" It is responsible and the regime knows it.It is a crime against humanity, lords of the Armed Forces "Guaidó told the press after attending mbad at Las Mercedes, east of Caracas, with his wife Fabiana Rosales and her 20-month-old baby.

Guaidó, the majority-dominated leader of the parliament, badured that the army had become "victimizer" and "almost genocidal" by "action" by "killing" young people who were protesting and "by omission" when " they do not allow humanitarian aid ".

The Leader of the Opposition reiterated his call for a march on Tuesday, on the occasion of Youth Day, in memory of the dead – about 40 riots since January 21, according to the UN – and to request that help be allowed.

Drugs and food products shipped by the United States are stored for three days at the Cucuta collection center in Colombia, near the Tienditas border bridge, blocked by the Venezuelan army with two containers and one container. tank.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro claims that "the humanitarian emergency" is "manufactured by Washington" to "intervene" in the oil country, qualifies as "political manifestation" the sending of aid and condemns the sanctions imposed by the United States on a food shortage "I understand that the regime refuses to recognize the crisis that it has created, but we Venezuelans are working hard to stop Usurping (Maduro in power) and respond to this emergency, "said Guaido. of a large group of journalists and sympathizers

In the most severe crisis of its modern history, Venezuela suffers from a shortage of commodities and hyperinflation.

– "Outside of Donald Trump!" –

Armed forces, the backbone of the government, began their military exercises Sunday, following the disaster, about 2.3 million Venezuelans have emigrated since 2015., which will take place until February 15 .

Leading the maneuvers, Maduro promised to invest so that the country has "its anti-aircraft system and the most modern missiles in the world".

"We are a pacifist people, but they do not please us … Outside, Donald Trump, of Venezuela, was his threat!"

Guaidó warned the soldiers that the decision was in their hands: "We let's put the dilemma clearly, we give an order: let's allow the entrance of humanitarian aid

With this "dilemma" and this offer of amnesty, the 35-year-old opponent tries to break Maduro's main support, although the management has repeated its "absolute loyalty."

Guaidó announced that hundreds of volunteers were engaged this weekend to collaborate in the "complex" process of seizure some other shipments would arrive soon in the collection centers of neighboring Brazil and on a Caribbean island.] "Today, 300,000 Venezuelans are sentenced to death if the situation of The urgency is not resolved, "added the legislative officer.

About 60 medians Venezuelan ns crossed the border with Colombia on Sunday. in a protest to demand the drug entry.

In an interview with AFP on Friday, Guaidó warned that he would do "what is necessary" and that "to achieve" the cessation of the "usurpation" and to "save lives ", not excluding that the Parliament authorizes the intervention of a foreign force.

Interview with AFP in Bogotá, his Venezuelan businessman Pedro Carmona, brief shot against Hugo Chávez in 2002, believes that his country suffers from a "tyranny", considers Guaidó as legitimate as a transition to the country's elections and rejects any military intervention.

– "The future is ours "-

Guaidó repeated on Sunday that he was opposed to a negotiation with Maduro, saying the government had used the previous talks to gain ground." The time is not in your favor today. 39; hui. "All the good offices of the countries that want to follow the process leading to the end of the usurpation, the transitional government and free elections will obviously be obvious to us," he said. "

The International Contact Group (CGI), composed of countries from Europe and Latin America, met on Thursday in Montevideo and called for the holding of presidential elections "free" in his final declaration.

Maduro rejects what he sees as a "bias" of the CGI and hopes that Pope Francisco accepts his call to mediate a negotiation.

The contact group also decided to send a technical mission to Venezuela and requested that "urgent entry" of badistance, in coordination with the United Nations, which ensured that it it would only be with the approval of the authorities.

Guaidó was proclaimed interim president on January 23, after parliament declared Maduro usurper "to be reelected in the elections called into question. in and out of Venezuela.

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