Health plans can no longer bill 250 procedures separately [imgdata-attachment-id= [imgdata-attachment-id=19659006]


Immediately after, "37739" data-permalink = " attachment / 10_medico- health / "data-orig-file =" "data-orig-size =" 849,565 "Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II Data-Comments", "legend": "", "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Conference clarifies doubts about health insurance schemes

"data-medium-file =" "data-large-file =" https: // abrilvejario / 2016/11 / 10_medico-saude.jpeg? quality = 70 & strip = info & w = 650 "data-restrict =" false "wp-image-37739" src = "https: / / quality = 70 & strip = info & strip = info "border =" 0 "alt =" medical health "title =" medical-health.jpeg "width =" 0 "849" height = "565" data-portal-copyright = "Reproduction" data -image-caption = "medical health" srcset = " quality = 70 & strip = info 849w, 150w, 2016 /11/10_medico-saude.jpeg?quality=70&strip=info 300w, 768w, https: // abrilvejario / 2016 The National Agency for Supplementary Health (ANS) released Thursday (28) the National Agency for Health Insurance (ANS) released Thursday (28) The Normative Resolution No. 433. Among other novelties, the document exempts from the collection of franchises and coparticipation 250 procedures, between the preventive examinations and the treatments of the chronic diseases. The new rules come into effect within six months.

As a result of the resolution, plan clients are entitled to four consultations per year with pediatricians, general practitioners, family physicians, geriatricians or gynecologists. Prenatal and neonatal testing, such as foot testing, and preventive tests such as colonoscopy in adults aged 50 to 75 are also exempt from collection. In other cases, the exemption has limitations – such as mammograms in women aged 40 to 69 (1 every 2 years) and HIV and syphilis tests (1 each year)

. types of examinations and treatments, the resolution determines that, in cases where the participation and the deduction are always maintained, their amounts can not exceed the amount corresponding to the monthly payment of the plan or to 12 monthly installments. On the other hand, the collection, when done, can not exceed 40% of the cost of the procedure performed.

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