Huracán will launch Internacional and FGF at Fifa by Sarrafiore


The Huracán-ARG leadership will enter with a Fifa action against the International and the Gaucho Football Federation (FGF) with reference to half Martin Sarrafiore. The Argentineans will receive $ 10 million in compensation and will call for the end of the Ipiranga U20 Cup to be held at the end of the year in Rio Grande do Sul. It is in this competition that the player appeared and aroused the interest of Colorado

The Argentine team claims that Colorado has negotiated the pre-contract with the midfielder in December 2017 and that the legal deadline would be in January. According to Inter's vice president of football, Roberto Melo, there was no irregularity in the negotiations and the contract was signed in January this year, six months before the end of the meeting with Huracán

. to all documents proving the regularity of the company. Martin Sarrafiore ends his contract with Huracán on Saturday. His arrival is scheduled for this Sunday in Porto Alegre. The athlete must join the delegation of Inter who travels to Atibaia, inside São Paulo, on July 4th. t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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