Iagro extends vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis in the Pantanal – Jornal Día Dia


Campo Grande (MS) – At the request of rural producers of Pantbad, where one of the largest floods of the decade, the National Agency for Animal, Plant and Animal Health ( IAGRO) has extended the vaccination against until July 30 and against brucellosis until August 15. Decree No. 3.601, signed by the President-Director, Luciano Chiochetta, was published in the State Official Gazette, edition 9.684

The measure is exceptional in view of the difficulties of handling livestock in the period flood, which forces the Corumbá pantaneiros to move up to now, more than 1 million animals. The president of the rural Union of the municipality, Luciano Leite, estimates that another 300,000 will be removed from the regions of Jacadigo and Nabileque in July. The Corumbá herd is the largest in the state, with two million heads.

"Extension is one way to meet Iagro's sanitary standards, given the difficulties of reuniting livestock with the arrival of water in the most vulnerable areas. to the south, where we expect a strong flood of the Paraguay River badociated with the floods of the Tucavaca River (Bolivia) ", explains the ruralista leader. "In reality, the situation is general.The highest areas (Paiaguás and Nhecolândia) still contain a lot of water and the producer can not work livestock."

Expansion of the vaccination schedule in the Pantbad (in reference to the May stage), according to the order Iagro producers will have until August 15 to register the vaccinated flock – it meets the demands of the Federation of l '. Agriculture and Livestock (Famasul) and Corumbá Rural Union, with the consent of the Federal Superintendency of Agriculture (SFA / MS), Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply ( Map)

Text and photo: Sílvio Andrade – Sub-Secretariat for Communications (Subcommittee)

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