Ibovespa Futuro follows external prudence and operates in a climate of stability; The dollar drops to $ 3.71


  China and the United States

SAO PAULO – The second week of the year begins with investors attentive to the Sino-US approach and the hope of "China". a solution to the trade war between the two countries after the euphoric collapse of the stock market in the first trading sessions of the year. Prudence has left European stock markets and future Wall Street indices down slightly.

In this context, at 9:10 am, the Ibovespa futures contract increased by 0.02% to 92,500 points. The USD futures contract maturing in February 2019 decreased by 0.20%, estimated at R $ 3,713, and the commercial dollar fell from 0.01% to R $ 3,716.

On the domestic market, it is worth highlighting the pending pension reform proposal, which is expected to be presented in the coming days and has caused turmoil in the stock market. "For the moment, the focus is on the leadership elections of the House and Senate, with Rodrigo Maia's favorite House and on nine Senate candidates."


The second ministerial meeting of the Bolsonaro Government is scheduled for tomorrow and the ministers should present the result of an evaluation of the bureaucratic rules that can be repealed to make the government more effective.

The Ibovespa Futuro is a good trading session thermometer but does not always adequately predict movements from the stock exchange to the opening bell

.Global Stock Exchanges

Signs of Progress in Sino-US talks to end the trade war, US President Donald Trump said trade talks with China were going very well and weak Chinese economy was prompting Beijing to work for an agreement, reports Reuters.The ministers of the two countries meet this week.The warmest tone of the countries before the first r Face-to-face meeting since Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed on a 90-day truce in the trade war does not encourage Western stock markets or future stock indexes. The United States is close to stability.

In Europe, Brexit remains on the radar of investors and weighs heavily on the mood. British Prime Minister Theresa May said Sunday (6) that, if the agreement with the European Union was not approved this month, the UK would be in "unknown territory ".

Oil prices rose for the sixth trading session, anticipating expectations of a solution to the US-China trade war and reducing the supply of commodities by the United States. main producers.

Interview with Major Olímpio

InfoMoney receives, at 3:30 pm on Monday, the elected Senator, Major Olímpio (PSL-SP). On the agenda are the Senate and House elections, President Jair Bolsonaro's prospects for governability, and the first signs and disagreements of the government in its first week. The show is broadcast live by IMTV and Facebook.

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Economic Diary of the Week

Among the external indicators, Monday (7) will be announced data from the November Industry Orders and the ISM Industrial PMI for the month of December in United States

The culmination will be Tuesday (8), with the publication of data JOLTs to create new jobs, closely followed by the US Federal Reserve to define its Monetary Policy. The week still brings November's trade balance on Thursday (10) and the December inflation rate, in addition to the December federal budget balance, both on Friday (11).

China attention to the trade balance of December, Tuesday (8), producer price indices and output and GDP data for the last quarter of 2018, all Wednesday . (10).

In Brazil point out the figures of the industrial production of last November, which, according to the projections of GO Associados, should fall by 0.1%, taking into account the

Another important figure, this Friday (11), will be the IPCA (general index of consumer prices) for December and the cumulative 2018. For GO, the inflation data should have a slight positive change of 0.07% in the last month of 2018, the cumulative figure being 3.79%.


Political News

The government of Jair Bolsonaro wants to create a shortcut to the National Congress to accelerate the approval of projects mainly related to infrastructure, in an attempt to unblock investments, reports the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo. The government has selected a package of measures underway and will propose a pact to the legislator to facilitate the approval of such projects likely to improve the business environment in the country.

Contrary to the unpopular pension reform, infrastructure issues do not consume political capital, the minister said. "Sometimes it is good to insert a complex agenda with a favorable agenda," said Infrastructure Minister Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas

Monday (7), Bolsonaro, will give the presidents of the largest public banks in the country: Caixa Econômica, Banco do Brasil and BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) The president wants the staff to help strengthen the government coffers by selling companies controlled by banks

. The governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite (PSDB), told the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo that "the privatization of Banrisul is not a timely moment for the state". badets that can be put into the negotiation: the electricity, mining, gas distribution companies. We can even sell the badets and shares of the bank, without losing control. " Gol published the previous results of the December circulation and recorded a decrease of 0.5 During the period under review, the occupancy rate in the domestic market was 84.4%, while in the international market the employment rate decreased by 1.1 pp. compared to the same period in 2017, at 76.3%, supply and demand increased by 33.7% and 31.8%

Become a member of the largest stock companies with ZERO brokerage rate! CVC had an amount of confirmed reserves of R $ 3.54 billion in the fourth quarter of 2018, an increase of 17.4% compared to the comparison total reserves amounted to R $ 13.2 billion, an increase of 11.7% pro forma and 20.4% acquired companies.

The excellent performance of the company is due to the performance of the units during Black Friday, which resulted in gains 40% higher than those of the same period in 2018.

The president of ] Petrobras Roberto Castello Branco, said Friday (4) three new executive directors: Anelise Quintão Lara (Refining and Natural Gas), Lauro Cotta (Strategy, Organization and Management System) and Rudimar Andreis Lorenzatto (Production Development and technology) 19659004] According to the company, the names of the candidates will be "subject to internal corporate governance procedures, including the compliance and integrity badyzes necessary for the company's succession process" .

Rubem Novaes is now president of the company. Banco do Brasil at 2.30 pm, in Brasilia.

Novaes holds a PhD from the University of Chicago and a diploma from BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development). The executive has already been president of Sebrae (Brazilian support service for micro and small enterprises) and taught the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.

The Superintendency of the Development of Amazonia approved the application for renewal of tax incentive Taesa with a 75% reduction of the tax on the income of companies for a period of 10 years for its transport companies ATE III According to the newspaper Valor Econômico, a dispute between Renova Energia delays the restructuring of the company and should request a new request for additional mandate of the BNDES for . Itaú BBA reduced his estimates in Suzano and Klabin to incorporate more conservative badumptions.

Itaú BBA reduced his estimates in Suzano and Klabin to incorporate more conservative badumptions. pulp prices. The main choice is Klabin, given the expected recovery of domestic demand – the indicative price of paper is set at R $ 21.

With regard to Suzano, badysts estimate an indicative price at R $ 53. "We think Suzano will have better entry points ahead, as interest rates are expected to remain low as pulp prices (real) continue to fall," they write.

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