SÃO PAULO – Superlative. This is the word that describes the year 2018 for the Ibovespa. The main B3 index generated a return of 15.03% over the entire period, with half of the papers that are part of it ending up with a valuation higher than this one.
This Friday (28), the Ibovespa index rose by 2.84. %, at 87,887 points, after having almost recovered to a higher level (the index reached 88,044 points at most). The turnover increased at the close and was established at 9 billion rand. During the week, there was an increase of 2.56%; in December, Ibovespa lost 1.81%.
Among the most vigorous movements, today, all the "blue chips" have been highlighted. In the financial sector, shares in Bradesco (1.65% in ON and 3.07% in PN) and Itaú Unibanco (3.50%) advanced. Even Banco do Brasil, which opened lower on Friday, reversed the trend and ended the session at 3.04%.
Video: Expectations on pension reform support markets
In the same vein, roles related to international commodities such as oil and iron ore also distinguished. Petrobras ON rose 3.93% and the NP 4.66%, while Vale ON increased 3.03%. The steel sector, with representatives such as Usiminas (2.44%) and CSN (3.27%), is also involved in this environment.
The most colorful gains also spread among retailers and magazines Luiza and B2W, as well as during the year, opened the series of positive movements today: the progressions were respectively 4, 06% and 5.29% during the trading session.
Highlights of the Year
Of the 66 items making up the index, 45 rose in 2018 (33 had a higher rating than Ibovespa and 12 had a decline) and 20 have receded – Log ON does not enter the account because the stock trading started last week.
On the positive side, the highlights of the year were magazines Luiza (126.3%), Cemig PN (116.4%) and B2W (105%). On the other hand, the worst moves in 2018 were Cielo ON (-58.3%), Qualicorp ON (-56.9%) and Kroton ON (-50.1%).
Ibovespa's average daily business figure in the year rose by 22.6% over 2017, with the demand for local funds for shares, despite the strong output of Foreigners, who already accounted for more than 11 billion rand in the year, up to the 26. " In In 2017, the situation was better for the stock investor: Ibovespa was up 26.9%, but the world did not make any noise on global variable income this year, and in dollar terms the index has still accumulated losses, but Ibovespa was major with respect to emerging countries and even developed countries.
Prospects for 2019
In the United States, there are still noises that revolve around business. disappeared from the horizon The beginning of the year 2019 will always be marked by problems concerning the country, in particular as regards the rising interest and the economic slowdown.
But the attention of managers is here. According to badysts, it is hoped that the pension reform can be approved in the first half of the year, which will increase business confidence and hence business growth, with new investments and improvements. increased consumption. Positive criticisms can be made about corporate earnings growth, particularly banks, retailers and state-owned enterprises
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