In 2010, Serra has already promised to deliver the pre-salt – Our policy


  In 2010, Serra has already promised to deliver the pre-salt

In 2010, Serra has already promised to deliver the pre-salt

Serra has committed to an executive of the Chevron oil company to change the rules of oil exploration :

The approval in the House of Bill 8.939 / 2017, drafted by Representative José Carlos Hallelujah (DEM-BA) is just another chapter of the coup d'etat that began at least seven years ago. Last week, by 217 votes against 57, the deputies approved a proposal allowing Petrobras to sell up to 70% of their rights to the exploitation of the zones of the affectation. expensive to other companies. This means the possibility for the Brazilian oil company to transfer to foreign companies the right to exploit 5 billion barrels of pre-salt. Under the onerous disposal regime, the Union receives only 10% of the royalties on oil production. The tax is lower than that of the sharing scheme, where 15% are paid

In 2010, Senator Jose Serra of the PSDB was a candidate for the presidency of the Republic. In this year, the Toucan declared against PL 12.267 / 2010 sent to Congress by President Lula.

The law approved the Union authorized to "badign" to Petrobras the right to produce up to 5 billion barrels of oil in large pre-salt areas; on the other hand, Petrobras would be responsible for transferring the amount corresponding to this amount of barrels to the Union in the form of preferred shares of the company. José Serra 's project, which appears to have been drafted in the legal department of a foreign oil company, represented the PSDB, overseas oil companies and Toucans' allies since all the leaders of the oil and gas industry were in charge. opposition to the PT government followed Serra's thought.

It was not long before Serra's true "preoccupation" with Petrobras was revealed: his links with the United States were revealed amidst WikiLeaks' revelations. Documents released in late 2009 reproduced telegrams from the US consulate in Sao Paulo, Washington, according to which Serra, then governor of São Paulo in the presidential race, told a Chevron oil company executive to change rules of oil exploration in the pre-salt, which the Lula government had approved in Congress, where he was elected.

"Let these guys from PT do what they want." The auction rounds are not going to happen, and then we'll show everyone that the old model – the government Fernando Henrique Cardoso – was working … And we are going to change it, "said Serra to the director of commercial development and relations of American Chevron according to the telegram published at the time in WikiLeaks. , under the government of the Toucan Fernando Henrique Cardoso, when the monopoly of Petrobras ended, the exploration of the oil fields obeyed a model of concession.

With the discovery of the giant fields in the pre-salt layer , the Lula government changed the pattern and the winner would have to share the oil found with the Union, and Petrobras had two advantages: to be the sole operator of the fields and to have a minimum of 30% stake in the consortia with others between At the time, WikiLeaks fled, had a great impact on alternative media, while the commercial press timidly commented on the case, prompting many Brazilians to be wary of the truthfulness of the news. Julian Assange.

WikiLeaks also showed

The US consulate estimated that the oil discoveries and the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) could "boost" the candidacy of Dilma Rousseff, then Minister of the Civil House. The consulate mentioned that Brazil would become a major player in the international energy market.

Serra was defeated at the polls by Dilma. In 2014, he was elected senator. According to the scenario in which the opposition had already decided on the dismissal in 2015, José Serra introduced PL 131/2015, in the Senate that amended the Law on partition (just as, according to the telegrams disclosed, he had promised to US oil companies). José Serra's project has reduced Petrobras' share and increased the share of multinational companies in the sector in the exploration of the oil reserves of the pre-salt layer.

Coincidentally, the PSDB's candidate, Aécio Neves, also defended the sharing model's end.

Senator José Serra's project stimulated impeachment?

Why Total Petroleo, now owner of a slice

C is in 2016 that Temer asked Petrobras to sell a slice of oil that was sold to Petrobras in Brazil. pre-salt zones for Total français

Petrobras sold interests in pre-salt areas and thermal power plants to Total. The agreement with Total provided for the sale of units in two of the most promising areas of the Santos Basin. With the agreement, Total begins to produce oil in Brazil and follows in the footsteps of Shell (a foreign company with a greater presence in pre-salt) and Norwegian Statoil

. Very strange. In 2014, Total was not acting (and was not acting) in the retail business in Brazil, had not – and did not have a network of stations – to make advertising in the media. Thus, sales performance, one of the reasons to be any publicity, would be nil

Another more justifiable ground would be institutional propaganda. It is commonplace that the image of the company suffers from some wear and tear, for example, when there is an accident with environmental damage, or that it victimizes the workers or when the company is involved in a scandal. This was not the case for Total in Brazil.

In countries where foreign firms are considered imperialists because they derive most of their oil profits, leaving very little wealth for people, this type of institutional propaganda is also common to improve image and make a neoliberal counterpoint to the nationalists who preach changes in the contracts. But in Brazil, Total did not have such a problem of image. On the contrary. At the time, the French oil company even agreed to participate in the oil extraction in the field of Libra in pre-salt with minority participation, with the majority of Petrobras. He accepted the rules of sharing, where the lion's share went to the Brazilian people. So, if Total were to make institutional propaganda, it would be in 2013, after participating in the Libra consortium with Petrobras.

Indeed, if Total were to make institutional propaganda, it would be in 2013. It would be time to make a commemorative advertisement to mark the institutional presence of investment in Brazil and this corporate blah-blah that large companies usually do when they announce significant investments, even if they do not operate in the retail market.

Propaganda was international, not made in Brazil, nor designed for Brazil. Recorded scenes are visible in African countries, including other languages. In Youtube, When we search, we see that the advertisement exists doubled in several languages ​​

Why then advertise on TV Globo?

One can not say with certainty, give. The only motive other than tearing money was that the advertisements were a form of sponsorship of Globo's editorial line to advocate for changes in Petrobras' share and the weakening pattern so that the companies Foreign private oil companies are getting a larger share of pre-salt. As is happening today, four years later.

It was only possible to see Total's financial performance on this type of propaganda if Globo's preaching was true against Petrobras and against the pre-salt sharing model, where In 1964, Total's president, in interviews , defended the end of Petrobras exclusivity in the pre-salt. Globo Newspapers and Newspapers have also advocated the same thing. It was not forbidden or illegal to advertise in order to sponsor editorial lines that address business lobbying. But the Brazilian people have the right to know what heavy political game around the wealth of pre-salt that was played on Globo television

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