In the state of Paraná, BMW breaks the speed record on BR roads. It's ok here | Tribuna PR


Lightheartedly hit records this Friday on the roads of Paraná . A team from Federal Highway Police found a BMW "flying low" at 241 km / h on the BR 369 highway near Campo Mourão , Midwest region of Paraná. This is the highest speed ever recorded by a PRF team in the history of the institution in the state. The limit posted at this point is 110 km / h, which means that the radars have captured the driver over twice the maximum speed of the road.

Watching the video with the absurd recording:

of the FRP itself, this may be the highest speed ever recorded by such a radar in the country. At 241 km / h, a car moves in one second, for nearly 67 meters. Until then, the highest speed recorded by a PRF radar in Paraná was 221 km / h, in Cascavel, BR-277, in December 2014.

The owner of BMW will receive a fine from the post office R $ 880.41. In addition, he will respond to an administrative suspension of the driving license. The suspension period varies from two to eight months, but can reach one and a half years in the event of a repeat offense.

For approximately 90 minutes of operation, the PRF team found a total of 35 vehicles above the limit of

Imprudence and Vigilance

The speed inconsistent with the limits of the road was the leading cause of death in federal highways in the first quarter of this year, according to the PRD. At least 28.6% of recorded deaths occurred in speed-related accidents.

Anyone who may be witnessing some type of risk or recklessness on federal highways across the country can activate the PRF by telephone emergency 191. The

The BR-277 will have a reduced speed limit between Curitiba and São José dos Pinhais

The BR-277 will have a reduced speed limit between Curitiba and São José dos Pinhais

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