Injured in the mud, a cow is shot in Brumadinho


BRUMADINHO – Two anxious cows in the mud of Córrego do Feijão since Friday symbolized the revolt and indignation of the villagers in the face of the tragedy caused by the dam of Vale. At the end of a day of voluntary struggle to save the animals, one of the exhausted cows after days trapped in the mud without water or food was disavowed by the vets and had to be sacrificed by a lethal injection. He was left in the mud itself. The other is still waiting to be saved. The rescue attempt only took place after many discussions with miners and police officers who did not want to authorize the rescue of the animals.

In the morning, the Prime Minister of Minas Gerais prevented the asphalt angels and the volunteers of Eco Ação and the Luísa Mel Institute from saving the animals, alleging a lack of security due to the announcement of a new rupture of the dam.

Suspended the alert, in the afternoon, the valley would have, according to locals, set up branch lines to prevent access to l & # 39; place. A group then ripped out the fences and used them to slip into the mud and reach the animals, putting their lives at risk.

– So many lives have been lost, let's save at least those poor animals – said Magda Lima, who lost friends in the disaster.

While the volunteers were trying to get the animals out of the mud, an unidentified Vale employee asked a police officer to block access to the site the next day. The official and the ministers said they fear for the safety of the population. Daniele Fernandes, who lost friends, was angry:

– They say people are embarrbading. But they just want to put one side of the tragedy. We know that there is a risk, but our revolt is greater.

Over the course of the afternoon, the group was reinforced by the Red Cross NGO Sea Shepard with a winch. Firefighters arrived by helicopter but said that the aircraft would not support the weight of the animal. A veterinarian then stated that there was no more salvation and disarmed the cow, who was not even from the community. According to resident Silvana Gonçalves, the two cows were dragged by the mud wave and, until the beginning of the night, the volunteers were still struggling to save the surviving cow. They kept hope.

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