Integral to the decision that published the direct sales of ethanol to Alagoas, Pernambuco and Sergipe – E & P Brasil


The Federal Court of Pernambuco granted an injunction authorizing the state companies of Alagoas, Pernambuco and Sergipe to sell their ethanol production directly to the service stations. The lawsuit filed by the producer badociations of the three states is trying to reverse the current rule, which requires distributors to sell them.

The same theme is being discussed in Congress. A bill that releases direct selling has been approved in the Senate and has gone to the House, where others have the same purpose. The theme garnered support among grbadroots and opposition politicians and gained momentum after the issue of fuel prices became important during the truckers' strike.

+ Parliamentarians continue to switch to ethanol

+ Ethanol producers fear tributes and disorder in RenovaBio with direct selling

The action was led by the trade unions of ethanol and sugar producers of the three states, Sindaçúcar, originating from Pernambuco, and the regional Sindaçúcar-AL and Sindaçúcar-SE, and Coaf, a related agri-food cooperative. to the Suppliers Association of Cana de Pernambuco (AFCP), against the ANP and the Union.

"It sounds strange and, why not say, inexplicably that the ANP does when when in the law that invokes – number 9,478 / 97, known as" Oil Law "- to support the standards mentioned in all Letters that one of the objectives of the national energy policy is to "promote free competition" (…), "said Judge Edvaldo Batista da Silva Júnior.

Access the complete decision right here.

The process is 0808280-47.2018.4.05.8300, which can be viewed right here.

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