- January 8, 2019, 20:46
According to Detran, debt can be paid by the end of March; value: R $ 90.20 (Credit: Claudinho Coradini / JP)
On wednesday 9/1, deadline for full payment, with a 3% discount, or the triple payment of the vehicle ownership tax 2019 Motor Vehicle (IPVA) for end-of-plate vehicles 1. Taxpayers should pay attention to the due dates in order to qualify for the rebate and regularize the tax.
The discharge can take three forms: in cash with a reduction of 3% (January); (February) or in three installments, from January to March, depending on the expiry date of the plaque. To make the payment, simply go to an accredited bank branch with the Renavam number (National Register of Motor Vehicles) and pay the IPVA 2018.
Use the self-service terminals, the cash registers, Internet-based scheduled debit, or other channels offered by the bank to make the payment. The IPVA can also be paid in lottery houses.
[Licence de paiement anticipé] 2019
To pre-empt annual licenses, all debts of the vehicle, including IPVA, registration rights, insurance premium PDVAT and, if applicable, contraventions of traffic, must be paid in full.
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