According to a study from Harvard Medical School, the increase in the level of good cholesterol does not have the same impact as decreasing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
A fundamental rule of Heart Health is that if the LDL ( bad cholesterol ) is elevated, the patient must do what he can to to diminish it. On the other hand, many doctors recommend to increase the level of HDL ( good cholesterol ).
LDL is responsible for the obstruction of arteries, so should be avoided. And their good brother, HDL is responsible for eliminating excess fat cells in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
Researchers examined the medical history of 116,000 predisposed patients. to have more than HDL in the blood . Surprisingly, this group had no risk of reduced heart disease. It was hoped that by increasing the amount of good cholesterol, the risk of heart disease would decrease by 13%.
"The study suggests that through an intervention aimed at increasing the HDL we can not badume that the risk of heart attack will diminish," says the researcher Principal of the study, Sekar Kathiresan.
Reduce LDL levels and increase those of HDL remains an excellent form of prevention. And this is possible by leading a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, eating a rich diet of vegetables and high-fat foods.
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