After being arrested in Bolivia, Cesare Battisti goes to Italy. Rio police are investigating whether MP Martha Rocha was the target of an attack. The stalemate persists in the United States and part of the government is shut down. And the bets of the year for the world of pop. What will be the news this Monday:
Cesare Battisti is on his way to Italy. He was arrested Saturday (12) in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, after escaping from Brazil for not being extradited. The flight should arrive in Rome at 11am (Brasilia time).
The Bolivian prison is another chapter in the tortuous history of Battisti, sentenced to life imprisonment in Italy in the 1990s, accused of four murders. He fled to Brazil in 2004, where he was granted refugee status. In 2009, the FST decided to extradite him, but Battisti was able to stay here on the decision of former President Lula. In 2017, Italy asked Temer to reconsider the issue and, last year, the then president ordered extradition. TSP Minister Luiz Fux ordered the arrest of the Italian who escaped. Battisti says that he has never killed anyone and that he is being politically persecuted.
- From the conviction in Italy to the prison in Bolivia: the story of Battisti
Further attacks took place in Ceará over the weekend. The criminals laid bombs on the bridges and, on Saturday, knocked down an electric transmission line. Yesterday explosives exploded in the Fortaleza Special Criminal Court building. In an attempt to put an end to the wave of violence, the Legislature has approved a package of emergency measures. The law on rewards has been created. It allows the state to pay for information leading to the arrest of criminals. The authorities claim that the attacks are a response of the criminal factions to the measures announced by the government to strengthen surveillance in prisons. The Fantastic told this story in detail yesterday; watch.
- Audios Reveal Attack Orders: "Fire at City Hall"
Bolsonaro's Promised Decree May Be Made Public This Week to Facilitate Possession of Weapons by Government in Brazil. In his social networks, the president has already indicated that he wants to guarantee the possession of property to citizens without criminal record. Possession gives the right to keep the weapon in reserve. To go out armed from the house, you must have the shipping costs. Another subject to follow is Pension Reform . The government is working to close the proposal that will be sent to Congress in February. One of the things to consider is whether the military will be included or not.
- ANDRÉIA SADI: Damares announced that he would modify the Funai until the end of January and asked the general to chair his organ. in the car she was in was a thief. The MP was not injured, but his driver was shot in the ankle. He was treated in a hospital and is out of danger. The MP, who was the first woman to lead the civilian police in the state, said she had been warned of threats from militiamen. Martha was with her mother and the driver in the car. A vehicle pulled to the side and a man with a face covered with a rifle.
16-year-old Daniel Borges Doutel Ferrreira was shot in the head inside the car where he was with his father while he was going to the beach at RJ . He took 3 shots and one touched the eye. The car was surrounded by about 20 men armed with rifles aboard the BR-101 at São Gonçalo.
The week begins in the United States at the end of the previous one: part of the government is paralyzed by lack of budget. The longest stop in history (24 days today) is due to the fact that Trump is asking for the release of funds to build a wall on the Mexican border, but opposition to Congress refuses to approve. About 800,000 civil servants are without pay. US research agencies and NASA suffer from a lack of funds.
At least 15 organizations are now opening applications to fill 18,500 vacant positions. There are positions for all levels of education in different regions. See details here. Across the country, there are 150 competitions with open registrations for 31,000 places.
What should be bombed in 2019 in the world of entertainment? The G1 publishes this week a series of reports on the issues of pop this year. Today, you will learn more about the young singers who bring the romance of young people to the stop of brush and tights. One of them is Enzo Rabelo, 10 years old, son of Bruno (of the couple with Marrone). Ruanzinho, 15, plays with Bruninho, 11, the throne of the King of "Romantic Batida" in Recife. Get to know this brand new generation of Brazilian music.
Not yet, but the party is already starting to take the streets s. In Bosnia-Herzegovina, two blocks repeated yesterday: Havayanas Usadas and Angola Janga. Look how it was. Folletos de São Paulo warmed up for the party with the French Charanga bloc. The France Charanga bloc repeated Sunday (13) Cardeal Street Arcoverde, in the town of Pinheiros, in the province of Pinheiros. pin – photo: Alice Vergueiro / Estadão content "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAQABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcCBQj / xAAUAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAE4z8z4grYIc1Gj / 8QAGxAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQBAgUAFBX / 2gAIAQEAAQUCeSDqN7OeyvqOBAIPnnjbE1nYYRIQ9bST5iff / 8QAGBEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECEzH / 2gAIAQMBAT8BqcxS31n / xAAaEQACAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwEREiEj / 9oACAECAQE / AazGr3zg / 8QAKBAAAQMDAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDEQAEEiEEEFREzIzYZGT0eHw / 9oACAEBAAY / AnWhLmVitRal is increasingly true p5TrGan5HZ9IPzFeKj3fqv / EAB8QAAICAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExEEFRYXGRwf / aAAgBAQABPyFnigkpB9bGKz5KWZb + wt2XcYEjxtJ4PcFleamCCC6VoJP2qixm9n3iDUUYxQGRjkGUOdM // // 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABDUP EABoRAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExYVH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QeGl + Am6Cyt3Ox8gHpn // xAAcEQACAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhQZFRsfD / 2gAIAQIBAT8QUmClyt + 1K tgQBIyVfc // xAAeEAEAAgMAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMUEQUWFxkf / aAAgBAQABPxBNIqEfeyTOLY7nA9MaISx6yBfvWEFwIBNLQCUqlg58n54Qg5JktAINhZTga1Qa04wkICfZRrObx3ySskxMOgJeEv / Z "/>
The Charanga block repeated France this Sunday (13) in the street C Ardede Arcoverde, in Pinheiros – Photo: Alice Vergueiro / Estadão Content
In Olinda, the traditional procession of Águas de Oxalá returned after six years in the church of Bonfim, which has been reopened. During the ceremony, the mothers, fathers and sons of St. Francis asked for peace and protection of the carnival.