Jornal do Brasil – Country


A coalition of 24 media, including the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo will fight against the spread of rumors and new counterfeits during this year's election campaign. The Proof project will be launched this Thursday at the Congress of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) in São Paulo

Journalists from all partner vehicles will work together for the detection and verification of rumors , misleading content and tactics of manipulation on social networks. There will be no verification of candidate statements. Abraji will coordinate the coalition, but without interference on the content to be published.

The tests involved will seek to produce easy-to-share pieces such as videos, images and animations so that denials reach as many people as possible,

There is cross-checking of all content: no refusal must be published before at least three different vehicles agree on the falsity of the information in question.

There must also be a WhatsApp number for the public to send suspicious text, images, videos and audios to the checks. The Estadão Verifica, core verification and verification of the newspaper, launched a similar service on June 13. "Spreading false news in the campaign can poison the electoral debate and undermine the debate on what really matters for the country," said David Friedlander, editor of State . "Fighting them is an obligation of professional journalism and the state is fully committed to this initiative."


The Proof Project was born from a First Draft initiative, an entity related to the Shorenstein Center of the John F. Kennedy School of Management for Media Policy and Public Policy, at Harvard University, USA.

"First Draft" research and fight against misinformation on the Internet, and has already organized a media coalition in the French election campaign last year.

"We want the evidence to be the first place where someone will check the truth of something sent by Uncle via WhatsApp," said Claire Wardle, director of the first project.

In Brazil, besides State they will participate in the initiative AFP, Band (TVs and radio stations in Brazil) Group, Cbad Futura, Mail, People's Courier, Exam, Folha de S.Paulo , GaúchaZH, Gazeta Online, Gazeta do Povo, Jornal do Commercio, Metro Brasil, Nexo Newspaper, New School, NSC Comunicação, O Povo, Poder360,

The Google News Initiative and the Facebook Journalism Project help finance the project, as well as to provide training and technical support.

"The challenge of combating misinformation requires coordinated action," said Daniel Bramatti, president of Abraji. "Never before so many competing vehicles have come together in a project of Collaboration like this one, and Abraji is proud to be part of this initiative. "The information comes from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo

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