Jornal do Brasil – Country


The State Police Office of São Paulo has set up a follow-up procedure to investigate the case of military policemen who killed a suspect in the interior of the country and omitted the presence of the civilian police. The case was revealed by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo on Friday 29. The Ombudsman Benedito Mariano said that the situation is "serious" and asks for clarification.

"We sent a letter to the corregidor, and we found the serious incident." In addition to indications that the venue of the events has not been preserved, there is a problem to be solved regarding the usurpation of the institutional function of another police. Ombudsman. The Public Security Secretariat informed the report that the Military Police Department has put in place a procedure to investigate the case.


Military policemen killed a suspect last Sunday as he was approaching a highway in Tarumã, about 460 kilometers from the capital from São Paulo, and omitted the case of the civilian police, who is responsible for the investigation.

The episode resumes the controversy that began in August when the Military Court of Justice (TJM) lowered Resolution 54/2017, which provided for a preliminary ruling in the Military Police case. the seizure of instruments and objects related to the investigation of intentional military crimes against the lives of civilians. In practice, the TJM removed civilians investigation of police lethality cases, the year when this type of case broke the record of the historical series with 927 cases in the state. In September, the resolution was suspended by the Court of Justice, at the request of the public prosecutor, until the judgment on the case, which has not yet taken place.

The man killed by agents of the 32nd Battalion of the Prime Minister was Ednilson de Oliveira Camargo, 27, and approached occurred at km 424 of the SP-333 road. The prime minister believed that he was the author of the robbery and rape.

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