Journalist Ricardo Boechat dies in a helicopter crash in São Paulo


SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – The 66-year-old journalist Ricardo Boechat died Monday after a helicopter crash in Sao Paulo. The information was confirmed by Folha de S.Paulo. Earlier, firefighters had announced the death of two people after the crash of a helicopter on a Rodoanel truck giving access to the Anhanguera Highway, west of São Paulo.

They would be the pilot and the co-pilot of the plane. according to the preliminary information of the company. The confirmation that the reporter was one of the occupants came later. The helicopter was a model from 1975.

The journalist was currently working for the Bandeirantes group of Comunicação and was presenting two daily programs, The News with Ricardo Boechat, a morning radio on BandNews FM and Jornal da Band, at night, on TV Bandeirantes. .

On the morning of this Monday, Boechat spoke in his morning radio show of the succession of tragedies in the country, such as Brumadinho and the Urubu nest in Rio de Janeiro.

] The journalist was in Campinas to speak at the invitation of a pharmaceutical company, Libbs, which chartered the plane. Ricardo Boechat was the son of the diplomat Ricardo Eugenio Boechat and was born on July 13, 1952 in Buenos Aires. At the time, the father was in the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Argentina.

In the 1990s, he even published a daily column at Bom Dia Brasil, the morning newspaper of TV Globo. Boechat is the winner of three Esso Journalism Awards.


A truck was hit by the plane in the fall and the driver was rescued.

The company attends the event with the help of a helicopter and 11 vehicles.

The accident occurred at kilometer 7 of Rodoanel, towards Castelo Branco, near a road toll

The company attended the event with the help of a helicopter and 11 vehicles. Partial bans were made on the slopes of Rodoanel towards Perus and Anhanguera in the direction of Jundiaí. The concessionaire CCR Rodoanel, which manages the western part of the Rodoanel, informs that the drivers have the possibility to reach Anhanguera towards São Paulo and to make a return to kilometer 18 to follow the direction of Jundiaí

REPERCUSSÃO 19659013] Social networks, journalists, politicians and celebrities lamented the death of Boechat. The Senate Speaker, David Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), sent a note of regret that the journalist was "a professional recognized for his work and his acute critical sense revealed by the main media of the country".

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