Justice guarantees aircraft ownership in Avianca Brasil, the company has 18 more days to negotiate


Photo – Via Avianca

Avianca Brazil has again obtained the suspension of the reinstatement of the possession of part of the plane, valid for the next 18 days. The motion was granted by Judge Tiago Henrique Papaterra Limongi of the 1 st Court of Bankruptcy and Judicial Reinstatement

. The lawsuit included 20 aircraft operating in the fleet of Avianca Brasil, all with a late hire. Concerning Aircastle and GECAS, responsible for leasing more than 40% of Avianca Brasil 's aircraft fleet, the case was again delayed despite the fact that the court did not not explained whether the airline had complied with the payment order of the plane portion.

Yesterday, the justice of the peace accepted the request of the SNA (National Union of Aeronauts) to join the action for judicial recovery of the company as an interested party.

The judge is waiting for a plan from the company. for its restructuring, to be submitted by the end of the month. Avianca Brasil has been in receivership since 10 December.

The company entered yesterday with a request to postpone the hearing of that day, while she was trying to get a loan.

Avianca Brazil spoke to Elliott. to obtain a credit for hedge funds, which provides a loan of 250 million reais, Reuters told sources close. An agreement has not yet been found and the leasing companies have not been paid, added sources, calling for anonymity.

About 140 employees were fired in early January and the company launched a "voluntary leave program". which involves 600 other employees.

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